Aero Magazine International – September 2019

(Chris Devlin) #1

58 | MAGAZINE 10


Being a partner of the JSF program,
which has given origin to the F-35,
Turkey is working on the develo-
pment of its own fifth-generation
fighter, the TF-X/MMU that should
be an aircraft equipped with systems
and sensors developed in the coun-
try. The model should substitute
the current F-16 and is expected to
have capacities similar to the F-35.
This way, Turkey should become the
world’s fourth country to have the ca-
pacity to produce that type of aircraft,
being ahead of projects in progress in
Japan, Korea, Iran and India. The first
flight is expected for 2025.


The Swedish firm has announced
the choice of Collins Aerospace
Systems to supply the power genera-
tion and control systems for the T-X
training aircraft of the US Air Force


Mitsubishi has renamed its MRJ
program as SpaceJet and has be-
gun to work on the project readap-
tation to meet the American scope
clauses. The previous MRJ70, now
designated M100, should reduce
its maximum weight to 86,000
pounds, limit of regional aviation
rules of the United States for air-
crafts of up to 76 seats. The model
should be certified in mid-2023;
before this, Mitsubishi finally

expects to complete the project of
the MRJ90, the highest capacity
version and that should dispute
the market with the E190 E2 and
A220-100. The SpaceJet program
is delayed for over one decade and
has not yet defined a date for the
first delivery. It is possible that the
debut in commercial aviation of
the Japanese manufacturer would
occur through the recently acqui-
red CRJ program.
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