Scale Aviation Modeller International 08.2018

(Nora) #1

Scale Aircraft


White Metal & Resin Aircraft Parts Since 1990

32133 Junkers D.1 Landing Gear (WW)
(replacement for 1/32 Wingnut Wings) MSRP $16.95

72160 Aero L-29 Delfin Landing Gear (AMK)
(replacement for 1/72 AMK) MSRP $11.95

48356 IDF F-CK-1C/D Landing Gear (AFV)
(replacement for 1/48 AFV Club) MSRP $16.95

14428 DC-8
Landing Gear
(2 sets) (Min)
(replacement for
1/144 Minicraft)
MSRP $14.95

Landing gear for over 650 (and counting) different aircraft!

September 2014: Canadian modeller Chris Parsons sent us
this photo of his 1/32 Ju-88 Mistel he calls, “The Skyscraper”.
The sheer weight of the model was the prime reason Chris
chose to use our set #32026. Impressive work!

June 2018: We contacted Chris to inquire about the integrity
of the SAC landing gear. His response, “I can find no issues
with the main gear. It’s been more than four years now and
it’s standing the test of time quite good.”

Go ahead ... pile on the weight!

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