Reader\'s Digest Australia - 08.2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Retired teacher Julia Czyz, 78, loved painting and other crafts.
But in 2006 she developed a tremor in her right hand that
was diagnosed as essential tremor. This most common of
movement disorders can cause uncontrollable shaking.
Julia’s condition soon progressed to the point where she
could no longer write her name.
In June 2018 a new procedure, focused ultrasound, gave Julia her life back.
Doctors fitted Julia’s head with a device that resembled a rimmed helmet,
slid her into an MRI machine and
directed ultrasound waves to the precise
neurons causing her tremors, zapping
them out of existence without harming
surrounding brain tissue.
To test whether they had eliminated
the problem, they slid Julia out of the MRI
several times and asked her to hold a water
bottle. Each time her tremors were
reduced further until finally they were
completely gone. “That moment when
I realised that my hand was steady was
magical,” says Julia.


Coeliac Disease Vaccine

What if it were possible for the gluten-intolerant
to enjoy bread, pastries and biscuits – and not just
the gluten-free kind? If a new vaccine, Nexvax2,
which began Phase Two clinical trials in Australia,
New Zealand and the US last year proves effective,
that could soon be a reality. The vaccine includes
a tiny amount of the gluten protein that causes the
inf lammatory reaction of coeliac disease.
As the vaccine amount is slightly increased over
time, it’s hoped that people with coeliac disease will
build up enough tolerance to safely eat foods they’ve
had to steer clear of previously.



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