Reader\'s Digest Australia - 08.2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1



1 Help a friend
Slip an envelope containing a small
packet of tea bags or bath salts into
a friend’s handbag with a note invit-
ing her to take some relaxing time for
herself. Your kind action is now caus-
ing another – your friend can now be
kind to herself. 

2 Praise a parent
Tell a parent they’re doing a good
job. (They probably rarely hear
that!) You are almost guaranteed to
be rewarded with a shy but bright
smile in return. Sometimes the
simplest things mean the most. 

BYSusan Spencer

3 Offer to
take a photo
Whenever you see someone taking a
family photo, offer to snap the shot
so everyone can be included in the
moment. You never know – that photo
could be featured on their holiday
card that year or become a treasured
memento. And people almost always
offer to return the favour.

4 Put the Earth first
Be kind to the Earth. Turn off the
tap while you brush your teeth,
switch to paperless billing, recycle,
use energ y-efficient light bulbs, use
a refillable water bottle, and bring

It doesn’t take a lot to be kind,

yet the effect it can have on others can be

far-reaching. Here are some simple ways to

brighten someone’s day – and your own 


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