Reader\'s Digest Australia - 08.2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
8 Bubbles and fun
forall the children
The next time the kids want to go to
the playground bring along bottles of
bubbles and large pieces of washable
chalk, and leave them in a central
location for kids to help themselves.
The kids will have a blast, you will
get some well-needed rest and relax-
ation and other mothers and fathers
at the playground will appreciate the
kind gesture.

9 Leave it behind
Do you want an easy way to pay
it forward? When you’re finished
reading a newspaper, magazine or
paperback book on a bus or train,
leave it in the seat pocket so the
next person who boards can read
it for free. What an easy way to
put a smile on someone’s face and
cure commuter boredom with free
entertainment. Better still, it won’t
be cluttering up your own home.

10 Treat a
If you know someone special who is
celebrating a birthday or promotion,
send them money to buy coffee or
lunch for themselves. This small act
will demonstrate that you are think-
ing of them from afar and as the old
saying goes, ‘the best ship of all is


cloth bags to the supermarket. We
only have one planet, and we need
to keep it clean and protected.

5 Help a new homeowner

Moving? Tape a list with the names
and numbers of local tradespeople
such as plumbers and electricians,
along with other helpful informa-
tion, on a kitchen bench for the new
owners. The last thing a new home-
owner has time for is researching
reputable repair companies. Your
list will eliminate a lot of hassle and

6 Introduce yourself

Take the time to learn the name of
someone who regularly helps you
out – whether it’s a security guard,
a doorman, or a cashier at the su-
permarket. Greet them by name.
This seemingly small gesture will
demonstrate how greatly you value
your local service people and your
interactions with them.

7 Make someone laugh

If you know someone who is having a
hard time, text them a pun or a joke.
You’ll brighten up their day and take
their mind off difficult thoughts,
even if it’s just for a moment. You can
also text appropriate suggestions of
funny podcasts for an added dose of
comedy medicine.

50 Augus t 2019

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