FlyPast 03.2018

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March 2018 FLYPAST 63


one hole was shot anywhere in the
Glenn Martin!”

The last entry by Eliot is dated
June 5, 1941. His successor was Sgt
Horace ‘Stanley’ Burton, another
skilled raconteur. Burton took over
from Eliot after the latter had been
injured in a landing accident.
Writing about the event in the third
person, he recorded: “It has been
proved conclusively that the IFF
[Identification Friend or Foe] does
explode when a Hurricane is forced
into a hangar. Sgt Burton spent a

fortnight in Mtarfa [hospital] thinking
out the results of this expensive
experiment and the CO does not wish
for any repetition.”
Burton kept the diary up to date
until shortly before rotating back to
the UK in August, by which time
Plt Off Peter D Thompson had taken
over. He continued
to record events in a

typically witty and humorous fashion.
On September 11, 1941 he wrote:
“Sgt Branson, ex-185,
now in the MNFU
[Malta Night Fighter
Unit], did some low
flying along the
Sliema front for the

Above left
The original
squadron diarist,
Plt Off H W ‘Chubby’

The fi rst diary entry
for 185 Squadron
was made by
‘Chubby’ Eliot,
shown with the
second volume of
the two diaries.

benefit of a girlfriend. Unfortunately,
the AOC [Air Officer Commanding]
was also an interested spectator and
decided that Branson could do some
more low flying – along the banks of
the River Nile.
“Apart from the injustice of the
punishment, it puts ideas into people’s
heads. If you want to get off the island

  • low-fly along the Sliema front!”
    Evidently, Malta was not everybody’s
    idea of the perfect posting. The next
    day, Thomson noted: “Sad news – Pat
    Hancock, hearing that he would have
    to remain on the island for another
    six months decided to apply for
    posting to Middle East with a view
    to going into Training Command in

During the summer of 1941,
Malta’s fighter pilots had only
Italian units to contend with, the
Luftwaffe having been redeployed
for the German invasion of Russia.
This lull allowed for offensive
sorties against
enemy bases.

“An irate Maryland crew arrived looking for the Hurricane who had

chased them half way to Crete! After a good deal of explaining and

apologies everything was settled, and a party ensued”

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