In this issue...
88 Windows on the weekend
Stylish looks to help you rug up for the
coming cooler months
108 A taste of the Granite Belt
Boutique wineries, fabulous produce,
rugged landscapes — Queensland’s
Granite Belt delivers the total package
100 Perennial favourite
This garden is a focal point for family
and friends, as well as a buff er from the
realities on the farm
130 Bliss for birds
Pilot Fred Fahey has built a haven
for his fellow aviators, native and
migratory birds, in his Cowra garden
product news
80 Burning desires
The latest news on heating your home
158 Store strolling
162 Stockists
14 A diamondintherough
A familyoffivemadethe move to
theSunshineCoasthinterland and
upcycleda dilapidated old home
26 Justaddwater
A hospitablecouplehas created party
centralwiththeirlakeside house close
36 Greenbehindthegold
A Queenslandcouplehas found their
forever home in the lush countryside
of the Currumbin Valley
48 Golden opportunities
Jane Cowper has transformed her
home on acreage in the NSW central-
west into a haven
58 Restoration spectacular
Alice and Andy Duncan took on a big
building project when they moved to
Hughes Park in the Clare Valley
68 Movement at the station
Richard and Lee-Anne Murdoch and
their son, Will, continue a sheep-grazing
tradition on Tuckokcowie station
6 Editor’sletter
8 Diarynotes
12 Baker’sdozen
160 Mailbag