8 australiancountry.net.au
don't miss...
June1 (VIC)
Withmorethan 50 years’experiencein theroseindustry,
thefolkat TreloarRosesknowprettymucheverything
thereis to knowaboutrosepropagation,careandthe
pruningforbestresultswiththeopendayat company
of Victoriawilldemonstratepruning,HelenLovelfrom
Neutrogwillbeonhandto talkproducts,plustherewill
Nowin itsseventhyear,
MusicFestivalis returning
to thebars,restaurants,
streetsandparksof BroadbeachontheGoldCoastwitha bumperline-upthat
includesthereigningkingandqueenof Australiancountrymusic,LeeKernaghan
andBeccyCole,andthebigwinnersat the 2019 GoldenGuitars,TheWolfe
Brothers.Therewillbemorethan 110 livemusicperformancesand 130 hoursof
entertainmentduringtheevent.Bestof all,it’sfree.groundwatercmf.com
Makea date tocelebrate these
diverse events around the country.
July 19-21 (VIC)
Sheep &
Wool Show
For three days in July,
Bendigo in central
Victoria comes alive
with the Australian
Sheep & Wool Show,
the largest of its kind
in the world. This
year, more than 3000
sheep and 400 trade sites will be the main attraction for
the expected 30,000-plus visitors. In addition to the Sheep
Show, there will be a national fl eece competition, shearing
championships, dog trials, fashion parades, careers and
technology displays and an amazing array of food sites
and wine vendors. The Festival of Lamb marquee features
cooking demonstrations and is a highlight. Meanwhile,
the runway fashion parades are held twice daily in
the Noble pavilion and feature top fashions from the
Australian Wool Innovation, The Woolmark Company
and the national Woolcraft competition winners. Stalls
in this pavilion sell the most wonderful fi ne woollen
products, from caps to capes and everything in between.
June 28-July 1 (NT)
Alice Springs
The Alice Springs
Beanie Festival,
based at the Araluen
Arts Centre, is a
community arts
event that provides
opportunities for artists from remote indigenous
communities and the wider community to make, showcase
and sell beanies. Through workshops, a competitive display,
a touring exhibition and participation in national events,
the Beanie Festival celebrates the humble beanie, the
creativity and storytelling of indigenous artists and beanie
makers from across the country and the globe. Now in
its 22nd year, more than 500 makers are involved in the
festival, 150 volunteers run the program and more than
7000 visitors participate. beaniefest.org
from above:
Treloar Roses is
holding a pruning
day; Groundwater
Country Music
Festival on the
Gold Coast is free;
experience snow
fun in Queensland’s
coolest town; hats off
to the Alice Springs
Beanie Festival; head
to Bendigo for the
Australian Sheep
& Wool Show.
DIARY NOTES compiled by Kirsty McKenzie
July 5-7 (Qld)
Snowflakes in
Visitors to Queensland’s coolest town
and capital of the winemaking and
fruit-growing Granite Belt region
will be rugging up this winter for the
Snowfl akes in Stanthorpe festival.
There will be ice sculptures, giant
snow globes, ice skating and loads of
snowman fun in the huge snowfi eld
created for the occasion. Winter markets
will showcase local produce and, of
course, the beers and wines of the
region will be available for purchase.
snowfl akesinstanthorpe.com.au