New Zealand Listener – June 01, 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1



any Kiwi musicians find keeping
a roof over their heads can get in
the way of releasing their music,
but only one can claim the dis-
traction to be renovating a centuries-old
villa in a medieval Spanish village.
Scott Mannion has been working on the
intensely personal Loving Echoes for the
past seven years, drawing
on the pangs that came
from ending a nine-year
relationship. But in that
time, the multi-instrumen-
talist/songwriter’s European
OE turned into something
more permanent: he found
a €175-a-month rental
house in the picturesque
mountain village of Chelva,
70km from Valencia, then bought a build-
ing down the road, married a Greek artist
and discovered the painfully slow process
of amateur DIY.
There have been other challenges, too.
A few years ago, a bush fire tore up the
valley and he was forced to flee, freak-
ing out about the instruments he’d left
behind and his lack of insurance.
Then there were the visitors. During our
chat on Skype, I recognise the room and
the view from an interview with Auckland
band The Beths a few months earlier. They
stayed seven weeks, and are just some
of the many Kiwi musicians who know

there’s a Mannion bolthole for downtime
during European tours.


oving Echoes is very much Mannion’s
own work, but will be vaguely familiar
to those who remember his time with
Auckland duo The Tokey Tones. This time,
though, the music has bold, multi layered
production, lush strings,
haunting synths and kooky
harmonies and melodies.
It also bears some hall-
marks of many of those
visitors. As the co-founder
and big chief of Lil’ Chief
Records, the 41-year-old is
still very connected to the
New Zealand music scene.
Over the past year, for
example, he’s been involved in releasing
two highly acclaimed albums by label-
mates Princess Chelsea and Jonathan
Bree. And lots of familiar names – Ryan
McPhun, Lawrence Arabia, Jonathan
Pearce, Bree and Chelsea – crop up in the
credits on Mannion’s album.
However, Loving Echoes’ long gestation
has been as much to do with the tinkering
of a confessed perfectionist as the visits
and the shared music files.
“It was different from the past with The
Tokey Tones and having all those people
from Lil’ Chief there,” he says. “Then, we
could all be in the same room to work on

The pain

in Spain

Despite the distraction

of villa renovations,

Scott Mannion

has finished a very

personal project.

by James Belfield

ideas as a band. Most of the time, this was
more of a lonely venture.
“Four years ago, before we had this
house, I had the songs I was happy with

  • it’s just taken this long to get them fin-
    ished. I still listen to the record and hear
    things I want to change. But I have to let
    go. I can’t keep tweaking.”
    Another feature is the input of Spanish
    friends. Xavi Muñoz (who usually plays
    with Stereolab’s Lætitia Sadier) is his tour-
    ing bassist, Clara Viñals adds french horn
    and duets on Somebody’s Else’s Dream and
    Your Kinda Love and artist-neighbour Ben
    Lustenhouwer provides the cover art.
    Mannion will tour Loving Echoes in
    Europe later this year, but as for coming
    “home”, he’s not sure he could afford New
    Zealand prices, not sure he could make
    music here and not sure how his new-
    found happiness translates to songwriting.
    “The breakup of my relationship was so
    important to how the record came about
    that I’m struggling with writing music
    now that things are stable. I tend to write
    a lot when there’s the madness of new
    situations or change.” l
    LOVING ECHOES, Scott Mannion (Lil’ Chief/

Released June 7.

Scott Mannion: drawing on the pangs that
came from ending a nine-year relationship.









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