TimeOut Abu Dhabi – April 24, 2019

(Wang) #1
12 April 24 – 30 2019 timeoutabudhabi.com

IT’S HARD TO deny that Abu Dhabi has a whole
load going in its favour. And before you accuse

of blind bias, let’s ask a quick question:
where else can you ride the world’s fastest

rollercoaster, go on an African-style safari, and

escape to a luxury island resort all without
leaving the emirate?

There’s so many brilliant things to do here,
and there’s never an excuse to complain

about being bored.
In fact the only tricky bit is Àtting in all

the amazing things to do. After all, everyone

knows weekends Àll up quickly, and
unfortunately we’re yet to convince our bosses

that having an extra day off every week is the
way to go.

So to help you make the most of living in (or
visiting) the capital of the UAE, here are the

best 50 things to do in Abu Dhabi right now.


Escape from it all at Al Ain Oasis

This calming area of greenery is a UNESCO
World Heritage Site that houses up to 100

different species of vegetation. Wandering
through the shaded pathways and 147,

date palms really is wonderful and the

educational Eco-Centre explains exactly how
this delicate ecosystem is maintained.

O Free. Open daily 8am-5pm. Al Mutawaa, Al Ain
(02 599 5438).

Live your

best l

The top 50 things to do in Abu Dhabi.

By Harriet Shephard

Al Ain Oasis

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