Enoch and the Mosaic Torah- The Evidence of Jubilees

(Nora) #1

Esther Eshel

found in ALD 4:9-5:8 (and TPL 8:1; 9:1-6) occur earlier in the story in Jubi­
lees. The parallel stories are set out in the following table:^4

ALD Jubilees

31:1 Start off in Shechem
31:3 Jacob goes to Bethel, invites Isaac and
Rebecca to come to Bethel
31:4-5a Isaac refuses, invites Jacob, Levi, and
Judah to go with Isaac to the residence of

31:5b-29 The meeting of Jacob and Rebecca
with Levi and Judah and their blessing

31:30-32 Upon Isaac's orders, Jacob returns to
Bethel with Rebecca and her nurse Deborah

4:9-12 Levi's vision of investiture 32:1 Levi's dream at Bethel, of being appointed
to the eternal priesthood of the Most High
5:1a "We" go to Isaac

5:1b Isaac's blessing of Levi

5:2 Jacob gives a tithe to Levi 32:2-3a Jacob giving the tithe;
Birth of Benjamin; Jacob counting his sons —
Levi as the tenth son
32:3b Levi as the tithe
Jacob invests Levi 32:3c Jacob invests Levi

32:4-15 Jacob's celebration of the Festival of

5:3-5 Levi offers sacrifices and blesses his
father and brothers in Bethel

5:6 Levi leaves Bethel and encamps at the
residence of Abraham

Jubilees' additions to the biblical narrative are inserted between the
sections of the Bethel narrative in Gen 35, specifically after v. 4.^5 Their pur-

  1. A comparison of these parallels is found in Greenfield, Stone, and Eshel, The Ara­
    maic Levi Document, 151.
    5.1. C. VanderKam, "lubilees' Exegetical Creation of Levi the Priest," in From Revela­
    tion to Canon: Studies in the Hebrew Bible and Second Temple Literature (Leiden and Boston:

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