Enoch and the Mosaic Torah- The Evidence of Jubilees

(Nora) #1

Esther Eshel

  1. M. E. Stone and J. C. Greenfield, "213a. 4QLevib ar," in G. Brooke et al., Qumran
    Cave 4:XVII, Parabiblical Texts, Part3, DJD 22 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1996), 28-31.

  2. Where G^11 = G^1 ; the translation is based on J. A. Fitzmyer, Tobit, CEJL (Berlin and
    New York: De Gruyter, 2003), 98.

  3. According to G^11 , which, unless noted, is usually identical with G^1.

  4. Fitzmyer, Tobit, 163, according to Gn, where G^1 reads, "For if you act in fidelity,
    success will attend all you do. To all those who practice righteousness."

  5. Fitzmyer, Tobit, 164.

pmx twp nms[...] 12
xrmn "u'sp...] 13
12 [.. .] paths of truth. Make far
13 [.. .] evil [.. .] and fornication turn away.^31

A comparison of ALD 3:4 to additional parallels may explain the ori­
gin of its anachronistic call for Levi's sons. I suggest that at some point in the
transmission of the text, most likely when it was already translated into
Greek, the copyist, who was familiar with other two-ways motifs in
testamental contexts, such as Tob 4, or even with the later Epistle of Enoch,
or the Testament of Asher 1, introduced a testamental formula here. I pro­
pose on this basis that the original text may have included only a request
from God to show or grant Levi the paths of truth, as found in 4QLevib. To
summarize, ALD includes what appears to be the earliest known reference to
the two ways, as well as a general reference to pleasing God by following his
guidance and walking in the right path.

Another early source in which this motif occurs is Tobit. As part of his
programmatic statement, Tobit states: "I, Tobit, walked the paths of fidelity
and righteousness all the days of my life" (i:3).^32 The same motif appears
later in Tobit's testamentary instruction to his son Tobias:^33

Be mindful of (God) the Lord, my boy, every day of your life.
Do not seek to sin or transgress His commandments.
Practice righteousness all the days of your life,
and tread not the paths of wickedness.
For those who act with fidelity will prosper in all they (you) do.
To all those who practice righteousness. (4:5-6)^34

For almsgiving preserves one from death and keeps one from going
off into darkness. (4:io)^35
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