Enoch and the Mosaic Torah- The Evidence of Jubilees

(Nora) #1
The Book of Jubilees and the Temple Scroll

the author of Jubilees belonged. Common teachings and aspirations united
these groups. Further, Jubilees and the Temple Scroll are both forms of re­
written Torah, one rewriting what we might call (borrowing rabbinic termi­
nology) the "aggadic" parts of the Torah and the other rewriting the halakic
parts of the Torah. But the relationship between these documents is certainly
not as close as, say, the relationship between the Temple Scroll and 4QMMT.
In my view, the Temple Scroll was put together mostly from pre-Qumranian
Sadducean type legal sources and the book of Jubilees emerged from similar
circles. However, these are certainly not compositions of the same group, be
it the Qumran sect or some predecessor.

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