Enoch and the Mosaic Torah- The Evidence of Jubilees

(Nora) #1

Gabriele Boccaccini

revelation [i.e., the Pentateuch] must not obfuscate the real intentions of
the author."^20
Other authors have reached similar conclusions in their analyses, no­

Andreas Bedenbender (2000)

l Enoch 1-5 and the later Enoch literature testify to a process of
"Mosaisierung des Wachterbuches."^21

Helge Kvanvig (2004):

The author mediates between two basic different attitudes toward the
divine revelation, the Mosaic known from the Pentateuch, and the
Enochic, known from the Enochic books. The Pentateuch is used exten­
sively both in regard to its laws and to its narrative, that forms the back­
bone of the story in Jubilees, but the perspective is Enochian Jubilees
mediates between the Mosaic and Enochic traditions, using Moses to
emphasize the importance of Enoch.^22

David Jackson (2004):

Jubilees seems to be the earliest attempt to read the Mosaic Torah within
the framework of the calendar and paradigm exemplars of the Books of

Paolo Sacchi (2005):

Jubilees explicitly acknowledges the law of Moses, though considering it
subordinate to the laws of the heavenly tablets which are eternal....
Zadokite tradition is accepted, but it is inserted into the Enochic theol-

  1. Boccaccini, Beyond the Essene Hypothesis, 89.

  2. A. Bedenbender, Der Gottder Welt trittauf den Sinai. Entstehung, Entwicklung und
    Funktionsweise der fruhjudischen Apokalyptik (Berlin: Institut Kirche und Judentum, 2000),

  3. H. S. Kvanvig, "Jubilees — between Enoch and Moses: A Narrative Reading," JSJ
    35, no. 3 (2004): 243-61 (here 260, 243).

  4. D. Jackson, Enochic Judaism: Three Defining Paradigm Exemplars (London: T. 8t T.
    Clark, 2004), 170.

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