Enoch and the Mosaic Torah- The Evidence of Jubilees

(Nora) #1
Aharon Shemesh

ing at that time. It is thus worthwhile to repeat it here before concluding our

findings and their meanings.

The Rule of the Community requires the new member to swear that he

will "separate from all the men of deceit" (lQS 5:10) and comply with the fol­

lowing rules (lQS 5:13-20):

He must not enter the water in order to touch the purity of the men of

holiness No one may be united with him in his work or his wealth,^17

lest he burden him (with) guilty iniquity. But he shall keep far away

from him in everything, for thus it is written: "Keep far away from ev­

erything false" (Exod 23:7)." No man of the men of the Community

shall respond to their utterance with respect to any law or judgment. No

one must either eat or drink anything of their property, or accept any­

thing whatever from their hand without payment, as it is written: "Have

nothing to do with the man whose breath is in his nostrils, for wherein

can he be accounted?" (Isa 2:22). For all those who are not accounted

within his covenant, they and everything they have must be excluded.

The man of holiness must not lean on any worthless works, for worth­

less are all who do not know his covenant. But all those who spurn his

word he will destroy from the world, and all their works are impure be­

fore him, and all their property unclean.

The Cave 4 fragments of the Rule of the Community have a shorter

(and with all probability earlier) version for this series of injunctions.^19

And all who enter into the Council of the Community will take upon his

soul by oath [to return t]o the [T]orah of Mose[s] with all (the) heart

and with all (the) soul, (to) everything revealed from [the Torah] to the

[multitude of] the Council of the men [of] the Community [and to sep­

arate from all the men of] deceit. They will not approach the purity of

the men of [holine]ss. One will not eat with him "Tn'a.^20 No man of the

men of the Community shall respond to their utterance with respect to

any law or judgment. And no one shall be united with him in wealth and

work. And no man of the men of holiness shall eat of their property;

  1. Cf. CD 20:6-8.

18. Compare the Mekhilta de-Rabbi Ishmael (327 in the Horowitz-Rabin edition).

19. On the relation between lQS and 4QS, see S. Metso, The Textual Development of

the Qumran Community Rule, STDJ (Leiden: Brill, 1997).

20. See the discussion below.
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