The Manuscript Tradition of Jubilees
Manuscript Passage(s) Preserved Paleographical Date
1Q17 27:19-20 early Herodian
1Q18 35:8-10 late Hasmonean^5
2Q19 23:7-8 Herodian
2Q20 46:1-3 1st cent. C.E.
3Q5 3» 1 23:6-7, 12-13 1st cent, C.E.^6
4Q176 19-21 23:21-23, 30-31 Herodian^7
4Q216 Prologue, 1:1-2, 4-7, 7-15, 26-28;
2:1-4, 7-12,13-24
125-100/ca. 508
4Q218 2:26-27 early Herodian
4Q219 21:1-2, 7-10,12-16,18-22:1 late Hasmonean^9
4Q220 21:5-10 early Herodian^10
4Q221 21:22-24; 22:22, 30 (?); 23:10-13;
33:12-15; 37:11-15; 38:6-8; 39:4-9
late Hasmonean or
early Herodian^11
4Q222 25:9-12; 27:6-7; 48:5 (?) late Hasmonean^12
- The Cave 1 fragments were published in D. Barthelemy and J. Milik, eds., Qumran
Cave 1, DJD 1 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1955), 82-84 with pi. XVI. - The Cave 2 and 3 fragments were published in M. Baillet, J. Milik, and R. de Vaux,
eds., Les 'petitesgrottes'de Qumran, DJD 3 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1962), 77-79, with pi. XV; and
96-98, with pi. XVIII. 3Q5 was originally presented in this volume as "une proph£tie
apocryphe" by the editor Baillet, but R. Deichgraber ("Fragmente einer Jubilaen-
Handschrift aus Hohle 3 von Qumran," RevQ 5 [1964-66]: 415-22), A. Rofe ("Fragments
from an Additional Manuscript of the Book of Jubilees in Qumran Cave 3" [in Hebrew],
Tarbiz 34 [1965]: 333-36), and Baillet himself ("Remarques sur le manuscrit du Livre des
Jubil£s de la grotte 3 de Qumran," RevQ 5 [1964-66]: 423-33) soon recognized frgs. 1 and 3 as
coming from Jub 23. - 4Q176 was published as "Tanhumim" in J. Allegro, QumrAn Cave 4 I (4Q158-
4Q1S6), DJD 5 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1968), 60-67, with pis. XXII-XXIII. M. Kister later iden
tified frgs. 19-21 as coming from Jubilees ("Newly-Identified Fragments of the Book of Jubi
lees: Jub 23:21-23,30-31," RevQ 12 [1987]: 529-36). - For an earlier edition, see J. VanderKam and J. Milik, "The First Jubilees Manu
script from Qumran Cave 4: A Preliminary Publication," JBL 110 (1991): 243-70. Two dates
are given because 4Q216 was copied by two scribes, with the outer sheet (containing the first
columns) added to an older manuscript. - For an earlier edition, see VanderKam and Milik, "A Preliminary Publication of a
Jubilees Manuscript from Qumran Cave 4: 4Qjubd (4Q219)," Bib 73 (1992): 62-83. - For earlier editions of 4Q218 and 220, see VanderKam and Milik, "4Qjubc (4Q218)
and 4Qjub' (4Q220): A Preliminary Edition," Textus 17 (1994): 43-56. - For an earlier edition, see VanderKam and Milik, "4Qjubf: A Preliminary Edition,"
HAR 14 (1994): 233-61. - For an earlier edition, see VanderKam and Milik, "4Qjubileesg (4Q222)," in New