Enoch and the Mosaic Torah- The Evidence of Jubilees

(Nora) #1
The Manuscript Tradition of Jubilees

Manuscript Passage(s) Preserved Paleographical Date

1Q17 27:19-20 early Herodian
1Q18 35:8-10 late Hasmonean^5
2Q19 23:7-8 Herodian
2Q20 46:1-3 1st cent. C.E.

3Q5 3» 1 23:6-7, 12-13 1st cent, C.E.^6
4Q176 19-21 23:21-23, 30-31 Herodian^7
4Q216 Prologue, 1:1-2, 4-7, 7-15, 26-28;
2:1-4, 7-12,13-24

125-100/ca. 508

4Q218 2:26-27 early Herodian
4Q219 21:1-2, 7-10,12-16,18-22:1 late Hasmonean^9
4Q220 21:5-10 early Herodian^10
4Q221 21:22-24; 22:22, 30 (?); 23:10-13;
33:12-15; 37:11-15; 38:6-8; 39:4-9

late Hasmonean or
early Herodian^11

4Q222 25:9-12; 27:6-7; 48:5 (?) late Hasmonean^12

  1. The Cave 1 fragments were published in D. Barthelemy and J. Milik, eds., Qumran
    Cave 1, DJD 1 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1955), 82-84 with pi. XVI.

  2. The Cave 2 and 3 fragments were published in M. Baillet, J. Milik, and R. de Vaux,
    eds., Les 'petitesgrottes'de Qumran, DJD 3 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1962), 77-79, with pi. XV; and
    96-98, with pi. XVIII. 3Q5 was originally presented in this volume as "une proph£tie
    apocryphe" by the editor Baillet, but R. Deichgraber ("Fragmente einer Jubilaen-
    Handschrift aus Hohle 3 von Qumran," RevQ 5 [1964-66]: 415-22), A. Rofe ("Fragments
    from an Additional Manuscript of the Book of Jubilees in Qumran Cave 3" [in Hebrew],
    Tarbiz 34 [1965]: 333-36), and Baillet himself ("Remarques sur le manuscrit du Livre des
    Jubil£s de la grotte 3 de Qumran," RevQ 5 [1964-66]: 423-33) soon recognized frgs. 1 and 3 as
    coming from Jub 23.

  3. 4Q176 was published as "Tanhumim" in J. Allegro, QumrAn Cave 4 I (4Q158-
    4Q1S6), DJD 5 (Oxford: Clarendon, 1968), 60-67, with pis. XXII-XXIII. M. Kister later iden­
    tified frgs. 19-21 as coming from Jubilees ("Newly-Identified Fragments of the Book of Jubi­
    lees: Jub 23:21-23,30-31," RevQ 12 [1987]: 529-36).

  4. For an earlier edition, see J. VanderKam and J. Milik, "The First Jubilees Manu­
    script from Qumran Cave 4: A Preliminary Publication," JBL 110 (1991): 243-70. Two dates
    are given because 4Q216 was copied by two scribes, with the outer sheet (containing the first
    columns) added to an older manuscript.

  5. For an earlier edition, see VanderKam and Milik, "A Preliminary Publication of a
    Jubilees Manuscript from Qumran Cave 4: 4Qjubd (4Q219)," Bib 73 (1992): 62-83.

  6. For earlier editions of 4Q218 and 220, see VanderKam and Milik, "4Qjubc (4Q218)
    and 4Qjub' (4Q220): A Preliminary Edition," Textus 17 (1994): 43-56.

  7. For an earlier edition, see VanderKam and Milik, "4Qjubf: A Preliminary Edition,"
    HAR 14 (1994): 233-61.

  8. For an earlier edition, see VanderKam and Milik, "4Qjubileesg (4Q222)," in New

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