Enoch and the Mosaic Torah- The Evidence of Jubilees

(Nora) #1
James C. VanderKam

4Q223-24 32:18-21; 34:4-5; 35:7-22; 36:7-23; late Hasmonean^13
37:17-38:13; 39:9-40:7; 41:7-10;
41:28 (?)
llQl2 4:6-11,13-14,16-18 (?), 29-31; 5:1-2;
12:15-17, 28-29^14

late Herodian
(ca. 50 C.E.)

There are also some fragmentary Qumran texts that have been identified as
coming from Jubilees but about which some skepticism is in order.

Joseph Milik identified 4Q217, a papyrus manuscript, as a copy of Jubilees
and thought it contained the Hebrew text of Jub 1:29 (frg. 1); 1:29-2:1 (frg. 2),
2:28-30 (frg. 3), 1:24 (?; frg. 6), and 2:14 (?; frg. 7). If he were correct, we would
have to posit substantial differences between the Hebrew and Ethiopic texts
of Jubilees at this point. The identification is most uncertain, but it seems
unlikely to me that the eleven surviving fragments from 4Q217 provide
enough evidence to include it among the copies of Jubilees from Qumran.^15

Qumran Texts and Studies — Proceedings of the First Meeting of the International Organiza­
tion for Qumran Studies, Paris 1992, ed. G. Brooke and F. Garcia Martinez, STDJ15 (Leiden:
Brill, 1994), 105-16.

  1. The Cave 4 copies, other than 4Q176, were published in VanderKam and Milik,
    "Jubilees," in Qumran Cave 4.VIII: Parabiblical Texts, Parti, DJD 13 (Oxford: Clarendon,
    1994), 1-140, with pis. I-II, IV-IX.

  2. The Cave 11 fragments were published in F. Garcia Martinez, E. Tigchelaar, and
    A. van der Woude, eds., Manuscripts from Qumran Cave 11 (11Q2-18,11Q20-30), DJD 23 (Ox­
    ford: Clarendon, 1997), 207-20, with pi. XXVI. For an earlier edition, see van der Woude,
    "Fragmente des Buches Jubilaen aus Qumran Hohle XI (nQJub)," in Tradition und Glaube:
    Das frtihe Christentum in seiner Umwelt. Festgabe fiir Karl Georg Kuhn, ed. G. Jeremias,
    H. Kuhn, and H. Stegemann (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1972), 140-46, with pi.
    VIII. Milik subsequently placed some small fragments, "A propos de nQJub," Bib 54 (1973):
    77-78. See also Garcia Martinez, "Texts from Cave 11," in The Dead Sea Scrolls: Forty Years of
    Research, ed. D. Dimant and U. Rappaport, STDJ 10 (Leiden: Brill, 1992), 23. Attention
    should be drawn to the editors' comments regarding 11Q21, published as liQtemple^0. They
    note that the physical appearance and layout are much like those of 11Q12, and the hand may
    be that of the scribe of 11Q12. However, they were not able to locate the fragments in the
    known text of Jubilees, while it does show some overlap with the Temple Scroll (411-14, with
    pi. XLVIII). In Textual and Historical Studies in the Book of Jubilees, HSM 14 (Missoula:
    Scholars Press, 1977), 18-101,1 reedited the Hebrew fragments then available and compared
    their readings with the versional evidence.

  3. For the edition, see DJD 13, 23-33, w'th pi. III.

4Q217 1:29; 2:28-3o(?) Hasmonean (before
50 B.C.E.)
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