Purity and Impurity in the Book of Jubilees
or commanded by primeval figures and patriarchs. The emphasis on purity,
both forms taken together, is considerable. Purity is mentioned for the first
time shortly after the first section on the Sabbath (Jub 3:8-14, following 2:1,
17-33)- Like the Sabbath,^50 purity is about Israel's identity, functioning as a
token of election ("holy seed") and a boundary marker (separation from the
nations). At the same time, and again like the Sabbath, it allows Israel to rep
resent humankind par excellence (Adam and his wife observe purity), giving
Israel a firm place in the world. Israel's purity is constantly in danger; the re
sponse Jubilees offers is not built on sectarianism but keeps all Israel in view.
- Cf. Doering, "Concept of the Sabbath," passim. And see above, n. 14.