Enoch and the Mosaic Torah- The Evidence of Jubilees

(Nora) #1
Tradition and Innovation in the Calendar of Jubilees

months. However, due to the additional data discussed above, it may be ar­
gued with Ravid that Jubilees does not recognize the existence of a 31-day
month. In a paraphrase of 1 En 75:1-2, one may claim that in Jubilees the 4
additional days are counted in the reckoning of the year, but they stand out­
side the reckoning of months.4,6 The cardinal days stand, according to 29:16,
"between the seasons of the months," in a transitory position, but never
within the count of months.

Boccaccini emphasized that an ideal 360-day year stood in the back­
ground of the calendar tradition, and that in some earlier texts the year was
thought to consist not of 364 days but rather of 360 + 4 days.^47 The problem­
atic figures in 5:27 prove, according to Boccaccini, that Jubilees adheres to a
year of 360 + 4 days, with the additional days not counted in the continuous
reckoning, the very practice opposed in 1 En 75:3 and 82:6. However, since
the septenary definition of the year in Jub 6:30-31 is so fundamental for that
book's ideology, it is hard to conceive of the number 364 as a secondary syn­
thesis of 360 + 4 days. Thus, although both Ravid and Boccaccini stress the
tension between ideal 30-day months and the 364DY, the models suggested
by Ravid seem to account better for the data in Jubilees.

IV. Sun and Moon

In a programmatic sermon on the calendar, Jub 6:36 solemnly declares that
"There will be people who carefully observe the moon with lunar observa­
tions because it is corrupt (with respect to) the seasons and is early from
year to year by ten days." This verse conveys a sharp opposition to lunar ob­
servations, probably also lunar calculations, in the calendar reckoning. An
impressive piece of rhetoric, this statement was applied in research to the in­
terpretation not only of Jubilees but also of the entire 364DCT, and was con­
sidered the ultimate proof that the 364DY is a solar year, and that it stands in

  1. See Boccaccini, "The Solar Calendars," 317-18. Curiously enough, a thirty-one-day
    month is hardly attested in calendrical material. The only clear attestations appear in 1 En

  2. The rosters of month-lengths in 4Q320 3 ii— 4 i and 6Q17 are unfortunately broken in the
    crucial points. In 3Q321II 5-6 the reconstruction of day 31 is unavoidable, since on that day a
    "second dwq" occurs (S. Talmon, DJD 21, p. 71). However, this reconstruction involves an in­
    verted order of the number, since usually in 4Q321 the units precede the tens. Even the refer­
    ence to a thirty-one-day month in 4Q252 I 20 is not entirely certain, since the crucial word
    w'hd is absent.

  3. Boccaccini, "The Solar Calendars," 318-20.

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