Enoch and the Mosaic Torah- The Evidence of Jubilees

(Nora) #1
The Manuscript Tradition of Jubilees

21* 16th century
22 16th century
23 16th century
25* 16th century
35* 17th century
38* 17th century
39* I7th-i8th century
40 I7th-i8th century
42* 18th century
44* 18th century
45 18th century
47* 18th century
48* 18th century
50 i8th-i9th century
51 19th century
57 19th century
58* 19th century
59 19th century
60 i9th-20th century
61 20th century
62 20th century
63* 20th century
64 20th century^41

I collated all these manuscripts for Jub 1-2, by which time the family
relations among them were very clear; for the edition, I completely collated
the fifteen manuscripts asterisked in the list above. The evidence suggested
to me that the copies represented several different manuscript traditions
(ms. 44 is unique):


  1. W. Baars and R. Zuurmond had collected information on the various manuscripts
    and had procured copies of many of them, preparatory to a new edition they were planning
    ("The Project for a New Edition of the Ethiopic Book of Jubilees," JSS 9 [1964]: 67-74). Many
    of the manuscripts have been microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library
    (EMML) (in Addis Ababa) and the Monastic Manuscript Microfilm Library (Collegeville,
    Minn.). In the above list, ##21,39,40,42,44,47,48,59,60,62,63 are available from EMML.

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