Enoch and the Mosaic Torah- The Evidence of Jubilees

(Nora) #1

Eyal Regev

  1. For a detailed analysis of the subjects discussed here, see E. Regev, Sectarianism in
    Qumran: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, Religion and Society Series 45 (Berlin and New York:
    De Gruyter, 2007), 219-66.

V. Conclusions

The Jubilees movement can certainly be regarded as the bedrock of the
Qumranic ideology, where ideas of angelology, dualism, predestination,
moral impurity, atonement, and strict cultic halakah were first weaved to­
gether. But Jubilees is not a sect in any sense, but rather a reform movement.
The Essenes, on the other hand, are not identical with the yahad and the Da­
mascus Covenant, but seem to reflect later developments, especially the
practice of celibacy. The groups represented in the scrolls and the other re­
lated movements differed in many respects. These differences conceal the
special characteristics and uniqueness of each sect or group. Insiders must
have seen many other differences and nuances that are still hidden from us.
We will keep on looking for them.^69

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