Enoch and the Mosaic Torah- The Evidence of Jubilees

(Nora) #1
The Book of Jubilees: A Bibliography, 1850-Present

Part 2: The Scholarly Works on Jubilees

after the Discoveries of Qumran

1. Text Editions, Translations, Commentaries, and Concordances

Agourides, Savas. "K1BHAAIA" (in modern Greek). Theologia 43 (1972): 550-83; 44

(i973): 34-ii8.

Artom, Elia Samuele. "Sefer ha-yovelot." In Sipure agadah 2. 6 vols, in 2. Tel Aviv:

Yavneh Publishing House, 1969.

Baillet, Maurice. "Livre des JubileV In DJD 3, pp. 77-79. Oxford: Clarendon, 1962.

lifndischen iibersetzt von K. Budde, 82-124. Freiburg im Breisgau and Leipzig:

Mohr, 1894.

Leszynsky, Rudolf. Die Sadduzcler, 179-236. Berlin: Mayer 8c Miiller, 1912.

Levi Delia Vida, Giorgio. "Una traccia del Libro die Giubilei nella letteratura araba

musulmana." Or 1 (1932): 205-12.

Montgomery, James Alan. "An Assyrian Illustration to the Book of Jubilees." JBL 33

(1914): 157-58.

Pfeiffer, Robert Henry. "Jubilees." In History of New Testament Times, with an Intro­

duction to the Apocrypha: Part I; Judaism from 200 BCE to 200 CE, 68-70, 538.

New York: Harper and Brothers, 1949.

Rowley, Harold Henry. The Relevance of the Apocalyptic, 81-85. London: Lutterworth,

1944.2nd ed. (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1946), 84-90; 3rd ed. (New York:

Association Press, 1964), 99-105.

. "Criteria for the Dating of Jubilees." JQR 36 (1945-46): 183-87.

Schurer, Emil. Geschichte des judischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi, 3:371-84. 4th

ed. Leipzig: Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1909.

Singer, Wilhelm. Das Buch der JubMen oder die Leptogenesis 1: Tendenz und Ursprung

zugleich ein Beitrag zur Religionsgeschichte. Stuhlweissenburg: Singer, 1898.

Torrey, Charles Cutler. "Jubilees." In The Apocryphal Literature: A Brief Introduction,

126-29. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1945.

Uhden, Richard. "Die Erdkreisgliederung der Hebraer nach dem Buche der Jubi­

laen." ZS 9 (1934): 210-33.

Wells, L. S. A. "The Book of Jubilees: The Earliest Commentary on Genesis." IJA 28

(1912): 13-17.

Zeitlin, Solomon. "The Book of Jubilees: Its Character and Its Significance." JQR 30

(1939-40): 1-32. Reprinted in Studies in the Early History of Judaism (New York:

Ktav, 1974), 2:116-46.

. "The Book of Jubilees." JQR 35 (1944-45): 12-16.

. "Criteria for the Dating of Jubaees." JQR 36 (1945-46): 187-89.

. "The Apocrypha." JQR 37 (1947): 219-48.
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