The Book of Jubilees: A Bibliography, 1850-Present
2. Books, Monographs, and Articles
Adler, William. "Abraham and the Burning of the Temple of Idols: lubilees' Tradi
tions in Christian Chronography." JQR 77 (1986-87): 95-U7-
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Albani, Matthias. "Zur Rekonstruktion eines verdrangten Konzepts: Der 364-Tage-
Parry, Donald W., and Emanuel Tov, eds. The Dead Sea Scrolls Reader III: Parabiblkal
Texts. 6 vols. Leiden: Brill, 2004-2005.
Rabin, C. "Jubilees." In The Apocryphal Old Testament, edited by Hedley F. D. Sparks,
1-139. Oxford: Clarendon, 1984.
RofiS, Alexander. "Further Manuscript Fragments of Jubilees in Qumran Cave 3" (in
Hebrew). Tarbiz 34 (1965): 333-36.
Stokl, Jonathan. "A List of the Extant Hebrew Text of the Book of Jubilees: Their Re
lation to the Hebrew Bible and Some Preliminary Comments." Hen 28, no. 1
(2006): 97-124.
Torrey, Charles Cutler. "A Hebrew Fragment of Jubilees." JBL 71 (1952): 39-41.
Tov, Emanuel, ed. The Dead Sea Scrolls Electronic Reference Library 3. New York: Brill,
VanderKam, lames C. The Book of Jubilees. 2 vols. CSCO 510-511. Scriptores Aethi-
opici 87-88. Louvain: Peeters, 1989.
. "The Jubilees Fragments from Qumran Cave 4." In The Madrid Qumran
Congress 2, edited by J. Trebolla Barrera and L. Vegas Montaner, 635-48. STDJ11.
Leiden, New York, and Cologne: Brill, 1992.
VanderKam, James C, and J6zef Tadeusz Milik. "A Preliminary Publication of a Jubi
lees Manuscript from Qumran Cave 4:4QJub (4Q219)." Bib 73, no. 1 (1992): 62-
. "Jubilees." In DID 13, pp. 1-140. Oxford: Clarendon, 1994.
Vaux, Roland de. "La grotte des manuscrits hSbreux." RB 56 (1949): 602-5.
Vermes, Geza. "Jubilees." In The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English, 507-10. New
York: Penguin Press, 1997.
Wintermute, Orval S. "Jubilees: A New Translation and Introduction." In The Old
Testament Pseudepigrapha, edited by James H. Charlesworth, 2:35-142. 2 vols.
New York: Doubleday, 1983,1985.
Wise, Michael Owen, Martin G. Abegg, Jr., and Edward M. Cook. "The Book of Jubi
lees." In The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation, 316-35. Rev. ed. San Francisco:
HarperSanFrancisco, 2005.
Woude, Adam S. van der. "Fragmente des Buches lubilaen aus Qumran Hohle XI." In
Tradition und Glaube. Festgabe fur K. G. Kuhn, edited by Gert Jeremias et al.,
140-46. GOttingen: Vandenhoeck 8c Ruprecht, 1971.