2018-09-20 Entertainment Weekly

(Amelia) #1
Jim Parsons is walking away fromThe Big Bang Theory—and a more than $40 million payday—leaving his costars saddened
that the upcoming 12th season of their hit CBS sitcom (premiering Sept. 24 at 8 p.m.) will be their last. BY LYNETTE RICE

Going Out With a Bang

away from over $40 million, but then most
people aren’t Jim Parsons—theBig Bang
Theory hero (or villain, depending on what
fan you talk to) who is largely responsible
for the decision to end the hit sitcom in

  1. When CBS indicated that it was
    open to two more seasons beyond the
    upcoming 12th season, multiple sources
    told EW that Parsons—not fellow series
    regulars Kaley Cuoco, Johnny Galecki,
    Simon Helberg, and Kunal Nayyar, who
    stood to earn just as much—was the one
    who put his sneakers down.
    The 45-year-old actor made it clear that
    he would rather walk away from playing
    Dr. Sheldon Cooper, the character that
    earned him four Emmys along with oppor-
    tunities in film and on
    Broadway, than star in
    48 more episodes at
    nearly $1 million a pop.
    Nerd fatigue may have
    had a lot to do with his
    decision, something he
    seemed to suggest in a
    social-media tribute to
    his costars on Aug. 23


after news ofTBBT’s end broke: “You are
my playmates when we don’t feel like play-
ing but have to because it’s our job to get
out there and communicate and pretend
we’re these other fictional people.”
Reactions from Mayim Bialik (Sheldon’s
wife, Amy) and Cuoco (Penny), however,
confirmed what sources told EW—that the
rest of the ensemble weren’t ready to say
goodbye. “Am I happy? Of course not,”
Bialik wrote on Grok Nation, her personal
web page. “This has been my job since
Melissa Rauch and I
joined the cast as regu-
lars in season 4. I love
my job.” “No matter
when it was going to
end, my heart would
have always been bro-
ken in two,” added
Cuoco on Instagram.
“Drowning in tears.”

In Parsons’ defense, co-creators Chuck
Lorre and Bill Prady have more than
achieved what they set out to do in 2007: to
make science nerds both lovable and cool as
hell. Only on TBBTcould an experimental
physicist (Galecki) manage to marry a gor-
geous waitress (Cuoco), or could someone
like the late Stephen Hawking fire off crisp
one-liners. At least some of the show’s DNA
will live on in the prequel seriesYoung
Sheldon—with Parsons continuing to lend
his narration—but that can’t be much of a
consolation for CBS sinceTBBT, after
11 seasons, remains the most popular
scripted show on TV. This is an accomplish-
ment that even Parsons doesn’t take
for granted. “I feel such intense gratitude
for our devoted viewers who are the
ACTUAL reason we have been graced with
the opportunity to explore these charac-
ters,” he wrote in his Instagram tribute.
“This grateful-feeling is always with me.”X

TheBang gang: Kunal Nayyar, Melissa Rauch, Mayim Bialik, Simon Helberg,
Johnny Galecki, Kaley Cuoco, and Jim Parsons

SEPTEMBER 14, 2018 EW.COM 21

Parsons was
the one who
called it quits





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