
(John Hannent) #1
October• 2018 | 9

Share your story about a small act
of kindness that made a huge impact.
Turn to page 8 for details on how to
contribute and earn cash.


A caring gesture gave me ho

kindness of an elderly lower seller at
Sydney’s Central Station one evening.
I was feeling as raw as the chill
winds quickening the steps of the
commuters who burrowed chins
in scarves and hands deep into
coat pockets. In many ways, 2018
had proven a tough year – a year of
shedding. My teenage daughter had
left home for university, my job of
23 years was no more, and a creative
project I’d given my all to for years
had also been abruptly called of.
I also found out a person I’d thought
was a friend was far from it.
A year earlier, I’d dreamt about
an earthquake. In the dream, a red
light lashed inside a building and
then the earth began to rock. Walls
crumbled and debris rained down
on me as I ran into the open, feeling
pangs of grief for the people I hadn’t
loved enough.
Before I was buried completely
by the falling world, I stretched out
my hands and shouted, “Abuelo,

ayudame,” i n my nat ive Spa n i sh.
“Grandfather, help me!”
Now, navigating the very real
aftershocks of a succession of
unexpected endings, I walked into
a little lower shop to buy a gift
for a friend. he gentleman at the
till looked at me and turned away
for a moment, returning with a
fragrant dafodil. “For you. You
need to smile today,” he said in a
rich and beautiful accent, ofering
me the lower with eyes full of
extraordinary compassion.
It took all my strength not to burst
into tears. hen he wrapped me in
a grandfatherly hug that made me
want to tell him everything.
Instead, I thanked him and headed
for the train. How did he know?
I marvelled. For the irst time in
weeks, I felt steady. I felt hope.


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