
(John Hannent) #1
October• 2018 | 127


he Teacher’s Pet
A true-crime
The Teacher’s Pet
is about the
disappearance and
probable murder
of Lyn Dawson, a
33-year-old Sydney
mother of two.
It is the sordid and
heartbreaking story
of a loving wife,
her sports teacher
husband and his
schoolgirl lover.

Buttons & Figs
Instead of defaulting
to games on your
mobile phone, why
not introduce your
kids to some
In the tradition of
nonsense creators
such as Lewis Carroll,
Buttons & Figs is about
literary and spoken
nonsense for kids,
with tongue twisters
and jokes – and all
narrated by kids.

HOW TO GET PODCASTS TO LISTEN ON THE WEB: Google the website for ‘But-
tons & Figs’, for example, and click on the play button. TO DOWNLOAD: Download an
app such as Podcatchers or iTunes on your phone or tablet and simply search by title.

Puzzle AnswersSeepage132

HBR Ideacast
If you never went to
Harvard Business
School, here’s your
chance to catch up
with its weekly review.
Featuring leading
thinkers in business
and management,
topics range from how
can be just as
problematic as micro-
management to
building emotional
agility and strategies.





Across: 1 Stamina 5 Sphere 9 Agile 10 Paragraph
11 Steel Band 12 Alarm 13 Abbey 15 Deciduous
17 Gunpowder 19 Add Up 21 Rhine 22 Dropped By
24 Letting Go 25 Close 26 Bright 27 Fusspot
Down: 1 Swansea 2 Alike 3 Ideally 4 Applauded
5 Shred 6 Haggard 7 Read Aloud 8 Thames
14 Bannister 16 Cordon Of 17 Gargle 18 Opening
19 Aspects 20 Payment 22 Digit 23 Droop
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