Marketing Australia – February-March 2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


The concept of a master
brand required a mindset
change in terms of getting the
business to think about the sum
of the parts.

says, “That was quite an involved project as we looked to
narrow down what 10 was after and how they wanted these
channels to come to life.”
Following multiple rounds of name suggestions, 10 Boss
and 10 Peach were selected to replace One and Eleven
“It was really about capturing the vibe or attitude of both
of those channels, not so much focusing on the audience, but
more on what’s on there. What’s the programming? What’s
the experience of actually sitting down and watching or
engaging with those channels?” adds Cargill.
The thinking behind 10 Boss was that programming
on the channel is driven by bold, self-confi dent characters,
while 10 Peach off ers feel-good escapist entertainment. In
later months, 10 Boss would go on to become 10 Bold with
the name change still communicating the programming
attitude of the channel.
McGarvey adds, “With the new names, we wanted
to give the channels meaning that refl ects their target

demographics. 10 Peach is targeted at 16- to 39-year-olds
and the term ‘Peach’ is a feeling. 10 Bold is targeted at over
40s and the term ‘Bold’ is more of an attitude. The shows on
the channels refl ect this too.

The rebrand project began in April and culminated with
the revelation of the new identities at 10’s upfront event on
31 October. All branding changed over across 10’s platforms
within hours of the announcement. As Bull notes, “The
ambition to rebrand three channels and a catch-up
platform on one day is gutsy. It demonstrated the renewed
confi dence at the network.”
In many ways, the new look for 10 successfully
maintains the heritage of the brand. The 10 master brand
retained two out of three elements from the existing mark –
the colour blue and the circle – while the 10 switched from
the written word to the numerical form.
Perhaps the most signifi cant changes beyond the identity
itself are 10 Bold and 10 Peach, which were given their own
distinct personalities while still being very much part of
the 10 family. XXVI also worked with 10 to develop a unique
tone of voice for each of the multi-channels based on the
archetype of the jester. “We needed to create some shape that
went beyond the superfi cial idea of the brand being clown-
like. We came up with a voice that spans the range from being
fun to being quite direct, quite straight up,” says Cargill.
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