Men’s Health Australia - 01.07.2018

(Nandana) #1



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This once-a-week lung-buster to break up your
weights workouts will strip fat and up your
VO2 max while addressing your need for speed

For a lot of guys it can be tempting to do nothing but shift iron
and call that your fitness program. Sorry, that won’t cut it
where I come from. Once a week at a minimum you need to
move like you did as a kid, mixing all-out sprints with
endurance to get your heart pumping like a Jamaican dance
hall. Don’t think of this as just hard, thankless work – though it
is hard. It will complement your eforts in the gym, stripping fat
to make your muscles appear more defined. It will also make
you a nimbler, more challenging force in whatever sport you
play. Don your runners and head to your local park.


If you can find a 400m track, great.
Otherwise, any big green space will
suice. Sprint the straights and walk or
jog the corners for 10-15 minutes
(depending on your fitness level). By
sprint, I mean 90-100 per cent efort.
Recover for 6-8 minutes.


No let-up, I’m afraid. Now run 400m
and walk for 200m. Repeat this four
times. Dig deep to keep your 400m
times reasonably consistent, though
expect some fall-of if you’re pushing
yourself. Recover for 6-8 minutes.


I know – there’s not much left in your
pins. So let’s finish up. Sprint 100m;
walk 50m. Sprint 200m; walk 100m.
Run 400m; walk 200m. Then go back
down in corresponding increments.
Nice job. Now go home and rest.
You’ve earned it.

MH fitness director Chief
Brabon has done it all, from
the most insane ultra events
to transforming some of our
top cover guys. And now?
He’s focused on you.

Not really. If there’s a change to be made it’s stepping up compound
movements. As you get older, itness and function are more than ever about
the way you move rather than how you look. Excessive focus at your stage of
life on training individual body parts like a bodybuilder is likely to lead to
muscular imbalances and dysfunction. You need to make sure you’re
working opposing muscle groups and moving naturally, while
perhaps backing of on the heavy loads. Focus on moves like
walking lunges, farmer’s walks and thrusters where your body
has to work as a unit. And emphasise pre-hab and rehab with
resistance bands, foam rollers and massage balls.

Chief, I’ve just hit 40.
Are there exercises
I shouldn’t do
any more?ST




Struggling to go the distance
in the sack? Help may be at
hand. Prolong, a climax-
control device coupled with a
training program designed by
clinical psychiatrists, has hit
the market. To find out more
go to
In the meantime, check out
these stats on premature
ejaculation from a survey
of Australian men.

Believe duration is the most
important thing in bed

Wish they had more control
over how long they last

Have felt embarrassed over a
perceived lack of stamina

Have lost confidence in the
bedroom due to PE

Say the condition has placed a
strain on their relationship

Say they’ve turned to alcohol
to try and last longer
SOURCE: InnovaDerma

muscular i


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