Men’s Health Australia - 01.07.2018

(Nandana) #1



L-Sit Chin-Up
Jump from the floor to grasp a
chin-up bar with an underhand grip.
Raise your legs straight up until
they’re parallel with the floor.
Holding that position throughout,
heave yourself up until your chin
clears the bar, then lower. Do 5
sets of 5 reps each.

S t a n d w i t h y o u r f e e t h i p - w i d t h
apart. Bend down and grip a barbell
with a wide grip. Use explosive
power to raise the bar aloft with
straight arms while sinking into a
deep squat. Hold your form while
rising out of the squat. Do 4 sets.
Rep counts: 3, 3, 2, 1.

Weighted Dip
With a weights plate hung from
a belt around your waist, mount a
dip station so your arms are
straight. Head up, chest out, give
at the elbows and lower yourself
until your upper arms are parallel
with the floor. Explode back up.
Do 5 sets of 5 reps each.

Hex-Bar Deadlift
Position yourself inside a hex-bar
and reach down to grasp the
handles to your left and right.
Keeping your head up, chest out
and back in a neutral position,
drive up through your heels to
resume a standing position. Do 5
sets of 5 reps each.

Bench Press
Lie back on a flat bench with a
loaded barbell held above you at
arm’s length. Keeping your elbows
tucked in, lower the bar slowly to
nipple height before squeezing
your pecs and driving the bar back
to the starting position. Do 5 sets;
rep counts: 5, 5, 3, 3, 1.

Straight-Leg Deadlift
Standing tall, shoulderblades
back, hold a barbell in a dead hang
in front of you. Unlock your knees
and hinge at your hips to move the
bar to just above the floor,
stretching the hamstrings. Stand
back up via the hips. Do 3-5 sets
of 5 reps each.

Push Press
Rack a barbell under your chin.
With your feet shoulder-width
apart, hinge at your knees and hips
to go into a quarter squat. Now, in a
continuous movement, drive up
through your heels to straighten
your legs while pushing the bar
o v e r h e ad. F i v e s e t s o f 5 , 5 , 3, 3, 1.

Kneel down and place your elbows
on the floor under your shoulders.
Now kick out your legs so your
body forms a straight line. Squeeze
your core and hold. Do 3 sets of at
least 1 minute each. Longer if
that’s no challenge for an animal


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