Men’s Health Australia - 01.07.2018

(Nandana) #1

Play With Fire
Any man with a passion
for Sriracha will be aware of
chilli’s ability to bump up
metabolism. But now, recent
research from the American
Society for Microbiology has
found that capsaicin – the
burning core-chemical in
chilli – hacks the genes
involved in digestion, too,
using up extra kilojoules long
after your tongue stops
tingling. The homegrown
Trinidad Scorpion Butch is
one of the world’s hottest – if
you think you can handle it.

See Insta
Food cravings begin
in the brain, not the
belly, with the part of
your grey matter
responsible for
visual imagery
particularly active.
Next time you find
yourself salivating,
rewire your mental circuits by
bringing a vivid, compelling or
emotive picture to mind,
advises Frontiers in
Psychiatry. Try a scroll through

Juice Up Your
A dad bod isn’t an inevitability,
no matter the shape of your
own dad’s, er, bod. Make your
paunch a softer target by
upgrading your morning juice.
Not only is watermelon lower in
sugar than OJ, it’s also rich in
citrulline, which animal studies
by Paris Descartes University
found ‘loosens’ stubborn belly
fat, making it easier for your
body to burn it up.

Day Rules
Scientists now know
willpower can be
biological. This means
our genetics could affect
our response when
faced with a mouth-
watering menu, says
Johns Hopkins
Medicine. Why leave it to
chance? Take impulse
out of the equation by making
‘burger night’ a fixed weekly
event, rather than a weak-
willed indulgence. Studies
show a 11,300-kJ cheat day
can binge-proof your brain for
the rest for the week.

Have Good Scents
Here’s a tip from the
sharp end of science: the
smell of grapefruit has been
shown to activate ‘nerve
pathways’ to the body’s fat
tissue, which means you’re
torching more kilojoules,
Osaka University reports.
Grapefruits aren’t exactly
the most portable of snacks;
happily, a pre-lunch spritz of
citrus aftershave has
a similar effect.

First Orders
Yes, a nice Shiraz
impacts fat loss. But so does
your bar snack. Peanuts are
rich in resveratrol, the ‘red
wine’ compound, which the
European Journal of
Nutrition found boosts your
fat cells’ ability to torch
kilojoules. And to wash them
down? Cold climate grapes
boast more of the nutrient.


Dial Down Fat
Ready for the cold, hard
truth? Scientists have found
a master gene that regulates
our levels of ‘white’ fat cells
and kilojoule-burning ‘beige’

  • and 44 per cent of us carry
    a variant that raises obesity
    risk. But don’t take the stats
    lying down – not when you
    can hack the gene during
    breezy 18°C, instead of your
    usual 45°C will help rebalance


Acquire Taste
If an insatiable sweet
tooth is souring your weight-
loss plans, it’s time to
reconsider your afternoon
pick-me-up. But it’s not just
the digestives at fault: a
Cornell University study
found 200mg of caffeine – a
double espresso’s worth –
dampens our tastebuds and
makes sweet foods less
satiating. If you recoil at the
word decaf (that’s French for
‘brown water’), breakfast tea
is your best of both.


Step Into
The Light
You may feel virtuous, but
shuffling from bedroom to
bus to gym on winter
mornings deprives your
body of natural light. And
that could cast a shadow
on your fat-burning plans,
too: a study by North
Western University found
morning light exposure
resets your circadian
rhythm, positively affecting
hormones linked to
metabolism. Step out for
some brisk winter rays
20 minutes before work
and hit the weights room
at sundown.

Lites Out
Dampening your
cravings with low-kilojoule
fizzy drinks will have rather
flat results. Chemical
sweeteners such
as sucralose hijack fat-cell
production, increasing the
risk of weight gain, according
to George Washington Uni
researchers. Instead, sub in
this year’s trending fat-loss
brew chicory-root coffee, for
a more 2018 solution.

Flaked on your training again? Blame your parents:
the extent to which we enjoy exercise could be
genetic, says VU University Amsterdam. Still,
breaking a sweat needn’t be a grind. Studies show
social integration and novelty are vital in helping
us to stick with a plan. Join
in at a local climbing
wall to keep
motivation at
its peak.

usual 45 C, will help rebalance
your ratios. Grin and bear it.


Follow A
Hot Tip
Not only will a warm bath
speed your post-gym
recovery, but add a few
magnesium flakes and
you can scrub away at
body fat, too. These natural
salts – available in most
health shops, or your gym,
depending on its hipster
cred – raise levels of the
anti-obesity hormone
adiponectin, according to
Journal of Nutrition research.
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