Australian Homespun - June 2018

(nextflipdebug5) #1
for my work. I love waking up with
my work right there waiting for me.
My life and my things fit right in.
It feels right to me, and it all kind
of blends together and becomes a
jewel box world of my own making.”
But even the most romantic of
environments can deliver a dose of
reality once in a while. We suspect
Ann may not have been quite as
enamoured of her surroundings when
her 13ft-high ceiling caved in recently.
There she was, gently sewing a new
doll, in happy ignorance that her
plaster ceiling was about to collapse
on her. She had to dive for her life as
hundreds of pounds of plaster suddenly
came crashing down. It was “like an
explosion,” she said. “But fortunately
the doll and I were unscathed.”
But a structural malfunction has
done nothing to dampen Ann’s love
of her work and living space. “It’s a
cosy and happy space to work in,”
she says. “Most of my things are

White Rotary sewing machine is what
I learned on and I still sew on it today.
CHEST OF DRAWERS – A wonderful piece
that was originally in my dad’s workshop.
BUTTON DRAWER – I have a substantial
collection of antique buttons and love
looking through them for just the right
one. (I especially love doing that when
I should be doing something else!)
NORFOLK PINE – I got it to serve as
a Christmas tree four years ago, and
it has been with me ever since.
FABRICS & QUILTS – All the textiles,
the quilts and fabrics that are so
inspiring to me. I love cloth – old cloth,
especially – hand stitching and other
simple techniques and materials. The
practicality appeals to me, and I love
giving old or discarded things new life

  • new importance and meaning.

“My life and my

 ings fit right in.

It f ls right to me.”

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