F1 Racing Australia - May 2018

(Michael S) #1

JT: Ferrari were once the only team supplying engine and
chassis against other teams which were all powered by
Ford [Todt is referring to ’70s-era F1], so, at this time it was
decided that being away from what we now call ‘the Silicon
Valley of motorsport’, they needed some protection. Now I
feel I am not in favour of it, because times have changed.
That’s part of the answer. As for the second part... is it
normal that Leonardo DiCaprio gets more money than a TV
actor? Yes, that’s life: the better you are, the more money you

get... well, you should. [Todt grins at his witticism.] In this
activity, yes. So it’s normal they get more money. It used to be
that they got more money with the best results. Now they get
more money with among the best results.

F1R: Will you be involved in Liberty’s commercial discussions

JT: Clearly, the FIA will still be the regulator and legislator.
The commercial rights holder is dealing with the commercial
is a good understanding between the commercial rights holder
and the FIA, which means we are informed about what they
do and we are happy to have them included in what we do.

A successor to the Ecclestone-Mosley Siamese twin this is
not, but clearly Liberty and the FIA seem ready to present
a united front in any power-play against F1’s grandee pair

  • Mercedes and Ferrari.

F1R: The initial outcry regarding the introduction of the
halo seems to have died down somewhat, but are there any
alternative head-protection solutions in the pipeline?

[on behalf of the Grand Prix Drivers’ Association], urging us
to decide on head protection for the drivers. And I said that
“we are there also to listen.” So immediately we asked our
technical people what they could come up with, as a priority.
In July, the GPDA said: “Don’t be weak and please respect
what we have asked you on safety.”
So, we committed to take into consideration their request
and the halo is the result. And now... you know, we love F1,
life is loyalty and respect for what you have undertaken. And
we did respect that, but some have forgotten that.

Now in his third term as
FIA President, Jean Todt’s
current focus in F1 is a new
set of engine regulations
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