Popular Science Australia - 01.04.2018

(sharon) #1

The problem with capturing super-low-
light images quickly is simple: the sensor
needs to boost power to grab photons fast,
and that power creates noise in the image.
The solution involves a combination of
variable-aperture optics, taking three
images in quick succession and combining
them, and a whole lot of processing.
The resulting low-light images from
the Samsung Galaxy S9 won’t impress
if blown up to poster size - there’s still
noise. But on your Facebook feed or seen
through the Instagram app, they look
amazing. Tripod deprecated.

S9 Camera

Knows What


ON A 435-acre tract
on the Ohio River near
Sh ppingport, Pa.,
stands a major triumph
of the Western Wor d —
America’s first full-scale
nuclear power plant.
There, only 15 years after
the first chain reaction
in the historic Chicago
squash court, atoms
silently splitting in a
smokeless, dustless

Major US news outlets reported in late
March that an autonomous car struck
and killed a pedestrian, while undergoing
testing by Uber.
Arizona woman Elaine Herzberg died
after she wheeled her bicycle into the road
and was hit. Uber’s vehicle had a human
backup driver, who was also unable to react
quickly enough to prevent the impact.
The accident has highlighted a challenge
that autonomous vehicles will need to
overcome: public opinion of their safety and

ability, even when investigators rule them
“not at fault” in an accident.
This accident, along with several fatal
crashes that occurred while drivers
were using Tesla’s Autopilot feature,
demonstrates that the public won’t accept
cars that are merely “as good as” humans in
avoiding accidents.
Self-drive systems will need to be
preternaturally aware and able to react
with literally superhuman speed, to protect
pedestrians from their own fatal mistakes.

Self-Drive Uber Kills Pedestrian

Do you miss having to grow your
own food in your little patch of

farmland near your house? No?
Oh, well that’s a shame because

Vincent Callebaut Architectures
has conceptualised this new

“biophilic” building. Be a
permaculture hippy on the

terrace of your own exclusive
million-dollar apartment!




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