Popular Science Australia - 01.04.2018

(sharon) #1


Materials and specs:Plastic body,
aluminium lid. 5.5-inch 1280x720
touchscreen. Gaming controls.
QWERTYkeyboard. Intel Atom
x7-Z8750, 4GB RAM, 64GB storage,
802.11ac Wi-Fi, USB-C, 155mm x 97mm
Awesome Factor:
Price: $500
More info: http://www.gearbest.com

e GPD Win underwent
series of hardware
visions after release,
cluding a slightly faster
CPU, and a metal lid.

The secret weapon:
a full-spec USB -C
port that charges
the unit and can
send 4K video at
30Hz to a full
sized monitor.

Enthusiast devices
simply must have a
microSD card slot.
We suspect most
owners never use it.

No headphone jack
controversy here.
Gamers love

A full-sized USB-A port
looks awkward in this tiny
package, but it provides
huge utility. Being able to
plug a normal thumbdrive
straight in is something
many high end notebooks
no longer support.

mini-HDMI out means
sy connection to a TV
or cheap monitor.
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