The Hollywood Reporter – 28.02.2018

(Tina Meador) #1
Do the rest of you agree?
Or are there certain subjects that
would be better left to white or
black filmmakers?
JENKINS I have an interesting per-
spective on this now having made
Moonlight. I debated if I should
even make that film because I’m
not gay.
DANIELS And yet he was able to
tap into the human condition that
transcended sexuality.

What was that process of getting
to a “yes,” Barry?
JENKINS What’s interesting in
the question for me is to be aware
that the question exists at all.
And then to do the work and to be
responsible about it. I don’t have
[author Tarell Alvin McCraney’s]
experience; what do I have that’s
relatable to his experience? Let
me go knock on somebody’s door.
Let me go to a friend or a loved
one who has that experience and
go, “Will you share with me? And
if you share with me, I promise
to take the things you share and
try to translate them in a way
that is responsible and respectful
and meaningful.” And that was
what I did with Moonlight. I sat
down with Tarell because Tarell
lived that experience. And as an
artist, I had to really have a come-
to-Jesus and go, “OK, I don’t know
this better than him, so I have
to really inject the things he tells
me.” And then from that point,
we’re artists, you take author-
ship over the piece and you go out
and you create. I do remember the
scene where the two kids meet
on the beach. It was so difficult
because as a director, especially
as a writer-director, you know
everything. And I was like, “I don’t
know this shit.” I had to be really
open about what I didn’t know. But
I agree with Lee, it’s not black and
white. It can’t be.
SINGLETON There are two sides of
this coin. The Last Emperor was
a huge hit when it came out, and
Bernardo Bertolucci is Italian,
not Chinese. But he did his home-
work. Steven Spielberg did The
Color Purple. Black people assailed
against that when it came out,
but it’s a classic among African-
Americans now. But for every one
of those films that was made by
someone who was from another
culture exploring something that

I’ve never been as distraught as I was at the

Vanity Fair party after the Oscars. It’s not the kind of

thing where you go running off with pompoms.
I wasn’t sure that thing was mine or who it belonged
to because of how everything happened.”


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