The Hollywood Reporter – 28.02.2018

(Tina Meador) #1
Since the first Academy Awards
ceremony in 1929, Hollywood’s
biggest night has produced
its share of drama. But nothing
— nothing — can hold a candle
to the otherworldly insanity that
unfolded at the very end of the
89th Oscars on Feb. 26, 2017, when
the wrong best picture winner was
announced. Ahead of the one-year
anniversary of “Envelopegate,”
THR spent months interviewing
dozens of key players from that
ceremony to document the incred-
ible series of events that led the
teams behind two films, Moonlight
and La La Land, to collide on the
same stage. A few of them said they
would prefer to leave that awk-
ward (and, for some, painful) night
in the past; many, however, were
willing to look back and laugh at
an Oscars that neither they, nor
anyone else, will ever forget.


“I shouted, ‘Warren, what did you do?!’
Because I had it in my head that his vision
wasn’t great and maybe it was his fault.”

Right Winner!


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