Australian Sky & Telescope - April 2018

(avery) #1



T Kepler-90i is the third planet from the left in
this artist’s illustration of its scrunched system.
All eight planets would fit within Earth’s orbit.

NEW DATA ON KIC 8462852, also
known as Tabby’s Star, show that dust —
not an alien megastructure — is causing
its mysterious behaviour. Results will
appear in the Astrophysical Journal
Tabetha Boyajian (Louisiana State
University) and colleagues reported
the star’s discovery in 2016 in archived
Kepler data. The star dipped in
brightness by up to 22% for several days

New observations of Tabby’s Star

an astronomer and a Google engineer
has led to the creation of a kind of
artificial intelligence known as a neural
network. Set to work on data from
the Kepler mission, the algorithm
discovered two new Earth-size planets,
one of which is part of the first eight-
planet system outside our own.
Neural networks are loosely based
on connections between neurons in
the brain. Each ‘neuron’ is a simple
mathematical formula that acts like a
switch, turning on when it recognises
a certain pattern. Each set of neurons
passes its results on to the next layer.
By combining layers, Christopher
Shallue (Google Brain) built an

Neural network finds two Earth-Size planets

algorithm that can identify exoplanet
transit signatures in stellar light curves.
It learned how by training on a set of
15,000 Kepler light curves previously
studied by humans. Andrew Vanderburg
(University of Texas, Austin) then ran a
preliminary sample of 670 stars through
the standard pipeline to identify signals
to feed to the algorithm. The neural net
caught two rocky planets, Kepler-90i
and Kepler-80g, both having roughly
14-day orbits. The discovery appears in
the January 18 issue of the Astronomical
Kepler-90i is the eighth planet
discovered in its tightly packed system.
Kepler-80g is the sixth planet in its
system, orbiting its star in resonance

with four of its companions. The
resonance keeps the orbits stable,
even though they’re more compressed
than Kepler-90’s. Neither planet
offers a pleasant place to live: Surface
temperatures are 436°C and 147°C,
Eventually, Shallue and Vanderburg
want to expand their project to study
all 150,000 stars in the Kepler field, but
they’ll proceed with caution. A neural
network is only as good as it was taught
to be; it can’t generalise what it has
learned in the same way humans can.


at a time. Long-term observations also
showed the star fading over the years.
To obtain round-the-clock
observations that could catch the star
as it was dipping, Boyajian launched a
Kickstarter campaign to secure funding
for observations with the Las Cumbres
Observatory (LCO), a network of 0.4-m
robotic telescopes around the globe.
In May 2017 the team caught the
first real-time change, a minor event

that obscured 1% of the star’s light. The
star’s blue light dimmed slightly more
than redder wavelengths during the
event, indicating that whatever material
is involved, it’s not solid. That’s a strike
against the unlikely idea of ‘alien
megastructures’ around the star.
Instead, the data suggest cosmic dust,
1,000 times smaller than the smallest
grains of sand, is the culprit. Since the
star’s light exerts radiation pressure that
would easily blow such small grains out
of orbit, any dust near the star must
have arrived there recently, perhaps
from a swarm of comets, asteroids or a
dusty planetesimal. Dust that has been
ejected to greater distances might dim
the star over longer time scales.
Most dust-producing objects would
orbit the star. Based on the estimated
orbit, Boyajian and colleagues have
predicted that the next set of dips
should occur in June 2019.
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