Australian Sky & Telescope - April 2018

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ideal orbit. This is not a trivial problem. The Hubble Space
Telescope’s orbit, just 550 km above Earth, is relatively easy
to get to but is bad for survey astronomy. Earth is bright
and hot, and its radiation can easily reflect into a telescope
or onto a spacecraft, contaminating images. Furthermore,
Hubble’s orbit has a day-night cycle like we do on the ground,
and not only does the changing sunlight level require
careful shielding to avoid thermal variations in instruments
(which can mess with things like focus), it’s also bad for the
continuous observations needed to discover transits.
Another common choice, the Earth-Sun gravitational
balance site called the second Lagrangian point, is less than
ideal, too. At 1.5 million km from Earth’s nightside, the
location would challenge our ability to download in a cost-
effective way the reams of survey data that TESS will amass.
Presenting a similar problem is an Earth-trailing solar orbit
like that of Kepler or the Spitzer Space Telescope, which are
both slowly drifting away from our planet with time.
After extensive investigations, the MIT, Aerospace
Corporation and Orbital ATK collaborators on the TESS team
devised a never-before-used orbit that fits the bill. The orbit
avoids the frequent dips into Earth’s shadow that Hubble
experiences, and it’s not as communications-constrained as
L2 or a drift-away solar circuit. Known as P/2, TESS’s path
will be a highly elongated, 13.7-day Earth orbit in resonance
with the Moon that will carry it nearly as far away from our
planet as our natural satellite is. The lunar resonance means
that, when at its farthest point, the spacecraft will always
be roughly 90° ahead of or behind the Moon in its orbit —
although there’s quite a bit of wiggle room in this separation.
TESS will spend most of its time far from Earth, then speed
up as it approaches Earth and downlink data while zipping by.

Planet pipeline
TESS’s launch window opens in late March 2018. It will shoot
skyward from Cape Canaveral aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9
rocket. Once it’s safely in space, the team will work nonstop
during a two-month commissioning phase to make sure TESS
is working as planned. Then the real excitement will begin.
To complete its survey, TESS will slice the celestial sphere
from pole to equator in long, thin strips of sky that match the
24×96° dimensions of its four-camera view. Each hemisphere
is split into 13 of these segments, with overlap at the poles.
The spacecraft will stare at a single strip for 27 days, then
move on to the next one. In its first year, TESS will tile the
southern hemisphere; in the second year, the northern
hemisphere. Over a two-year nominal mission, it will observe
nearly all of the sky: Only small gaps around the ecliptic will
remain untouched.

Once the data come down, extensive computer codes,
built upon those used to analyse the Kepler and its later K2
mission observations, will tackle the data using systems
located both at NASA Ames and at MIT. Next is the fun
part of the job. Assisted by software, human vetters will
pore over the data to identify which signals most likely
come from planets transiting their host stars, versus those
that come from binaries, stellar ‘junk’ from variability, or
instrumental noise. Looking through the thousands of light
curves that trigger software, out of the tens of thousands
of light curves per observing sector, is like a page-turning
mystery novel: One never knows what might be uncovered
on the next page. Vetters will search for clues in the light





P/2 Mission




SRING AROUND THE EARTH The TESS spacecraft will follow a
unique orbit, looping out of the Moon’s orbital plane (top) so as to keep
both Earth and its natural satellite out of TESS’s field of view as much
as possible. The orbit also occupies a 2:1 resonance with the Moon,
keeping the spacecraft roughly 90° from the Moon (above).

TESS’s main raison d’être, or Level 1 Science Requirements in
formal NASA-speak, is to find for the community, 50 planets
with sizes less than 4 Earth radii and with measured masses.
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