Australian Sky & Telescope - April 2018

(avery) #1 77

This image of the Lagoon Nebula
(Messier 8) was, Paul says, the result of
a test run with some new gear. A very
successful test run. The shot was taken
from a dark national park in rural Victoria,
using a William Optics FLT110 scope,
QHY9M camera and LRGB filters.

S ORION’S HORSE Ian Stephenson
This 320-second, 800 ISO, single, guided exposure of NGC 2023 (Horsehead Nebula) and
NGC 2024 (Flame Nebula) in Orion was taken on January 8, 2018 from Iluka in Western
Australia. Ian used a 115-mm f/7 apochromatic refractor on a Celestron AVX mount and a
Canon EOS 60DA fitted with an Astronomik CLS filter.

S IN ORBIT Scott Lynch
Scott took this shot of the International
Space Station zooming over Brisbane
on November 13, 2017. He used a Canon
80D with 3× Barlow lens at the focus of
a 25-cm Dobsonian reflector. Exposure
was 1/2000th of a second.

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