Australian Sky & Telescope - April 2018

(avery) #1




source of repeating radio-wave flashes,
first detected in 2012, is embedded in a
potent magnetic field, perhaps that of a
massive black hole.
So-called fast radio bursts can
generate as much energy as 500 million
Suns in only a few milliseconds.
Astronomers have detected about 30 of
them so far, but they think as many as
10,000 sources might flash each day.
In 2016 astronomers announced that
one of these bursts, FRB 121102, had
flared several times, making it the only
fast radio burst known to repeat. In the
years since, it has erupted more than
200 times, enabling astronomers to
finally tie the source to a star-forming

found that the radio waves were almost
entirely linearly polarised, which means
the waves were almost all oscillating
in the same plane. Moreover, this
polarisation had been strongly twisted
in a signature known as Faraday
rotation, which occurs when light passes
through a magnetic field. In this case,
the waves’ polarisation is so twisted, it
suggests the magnetic field around the
source is at least 100 times stronger
than the average magnetic field in the
Milky Way. The only known source with
such a strong polarisation signature
is a pulsar near Sagittarius A* — the
supermassive black hole at the centre of
our galaxy.
In addition, the shortest burst lasts
less than 30 microseconds, suggesting
that the source is as small as 10 km
across, the typical size of a neutron star.
So the fast radio burst could be a
neutron star near a massive black hole.
But this answer poses another question:
Why would the two objects be so close
together? “Presumably that would
not just be a coincidence,” says Jason
Hessels (University of Amsterdam).
Michilli and his team members agree
that other scenarios could give rise to
this odd fast radio burst.
“It’s likely that it would be very
young and if it’s very young, it’s quite
possible that it could still be in some
kind of cocoon, [like] a supernova
remnant,” Hessels says. But that
hypothesis isn’t perfect either. The
remnant would have to be a million
times brighter than the Crab Nebula,
the brightest remnant in the Milky
Way. Another idea involves outflows
from black holes.
With a number of wide-field radio
telescopes coming online this year
and next, astronomers will soon be
detecting more fast radio bursts — and
perhaps more repeating ones — which
will help them get a better handle on
these enigmas.

Mystery bursts might

originate near black hole

region in a dwarf galaxy 2.4 billion
light-years away.
New observations of polarised radio
emission, reported January 11 in the
journal Nature, suggest the repeated
bursts come from an environment with
an unusually strong magnetic field.
As such, the source might be a young
neutron star in the vicinity of a massive
black hole, whose strong field could
alter the neutron star’s emissions.
Daniele Michilli (University of
Amsterdam) and colleagues used the
Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico
and the Green Bank Telescope in West
Virginia to detect the bursts at higher
frequencies than before, measuring the
polarisation of the radio waves. They

W This illustration shows the 305-metre
Arecibo telescope and its suspended support
platform of radio receivers. The starburst at
upper left marks FRB 121102’s location.
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