Red Army Sniper A Memoir on the Eastern Front in World War II

(Barré) #1
—— Red Army Sniper ——


mother. They would serve up a hot drink and I would bring some
treats. But first I had to tell them how many Nazis I had wiped out
over that period. For them that was the most precious gift.
Tina and I  parted unexpectedly; her Fedya turned up, and
she went off urgently to see him in unoccupied territory. He was
wounded and lying in hospital somewhere. She managed to leave
me a short note. I did not blame Tina for dashing off. I had no right
to. However, I really missed her for a long time, that nice girl with
the blue eyes.
When you are at the front and doing something difficult, when
your life is in constant danger, you really long for someone who
is dear to you and loved by you, someone for whom you would be
ready to go to any lengths; someone for whom you’d do only good
things. To this day the image of my first love is sacredly preserved
in my memory. She helped me to continue living during the most
difficult period of the siege.

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