Red Army Sniper A Memoir on the Eastern Front in World War II

(Barré) #1
—— Red Army Sniper ——


you need. Don’t be bashful. Just telephone. Here are our numbers
just in case.’ And he held out a sheet from a writing pad, on which
two telephone numbers were written in large, legible script. ‘And
I’ll take care of the rest. Well, all the best!’ Again he pressed the
invisible button on the desk.
This time my escort came in.
‘Comrade Colonel, please take our sniper friend back to hospital
in a car and do as I instructed. Set up all the proper conditions for
Comrade Nikolaev; he has an important and urgent task ahead of
him. You will continue to mentor him. I have given Nikolaev your
telephone number.’
‘Yes, sir, Andrey Alexandrovich! It will be done!’ The colonel
clicked his heels and stood at attention. ‘Permission to leave?’
‘Please do. Well, once again I  wish you success! We’ve had a
good talk, relaxed, and now we’ll set to work’ And Comrade
Zhdanov again shook my hand in farewell.
‘Well, let’s have it! Where have you been!’ My ward­mates
pounced on me with their questions.
‘At the Smolny. I had tea with Andrey Alexandrovich Zhdanov.’
‘Really? What did you talk about? Don’t keep us in suspense.
Te l l u s .’
They listened to me attentively, without interrupting, and only
when I had finished my story did the hail of questions come: how
did Comrade Zhdanov look, how was he dressed, how did he talk
to me, and so on. They were interested in everything!
I willingly answered all their questions; I wanted to relive it all
again myself, so that I would remember this meeting for the whole
of my life.
The same day they brought me a pile of exercise books with
pages of squared paper and ten Tatika brand pencils. I was advised
that, depending on my requirements, a typist from the hospital
accounts section would be at my disposal.
I took to the work with enthusiasm. Not only did I  have to
outline everything intelligibly, it had to be done within the time
limit. No question, it was not the easiest assignment for me.

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