Red Army Sniper A Memoir on the Eastern Front in World War II

(Barré) #1
—— Red Army Sniper ——


On returning from their last mission, our scouts
discovered the headquarters of a German unit. They
did not have the opportunity to go in there. Now the
divisional command has an urgent need for staff
documents: the Nazi operational maps, orders and
correspondence. The task of getting hold of them has
been entrusted to our regiment. After some thought,
the command decided to offer this assignment to you;
you’re a veteran scout and you know the enemy defences
well. It’s not far to go.

And he showed me the spot, which was circled in blue pencil on
the 1:100,000 scale map spread out on the table.
‘Staff documents to be located and brought back as per orders!’
I responded.
I knew that it would not be easy. It would be necessary to cross
three German defensive trench lines carefully and, having located
the HQ dugout, wait a day or even more for a suitable moment to
get into it. And, having done what was necessary, to return unseen
to my own unit.
After a moment’s silence the battalion commander said: ‘No,
that’s not good enough. You need to take somebody with you.
Let’s be honest: it’s a dangerous mission. You may not come back;
anything could happen.’
‘Comrade Major!’ I said, ‘It would be easier for me to complete
this mission on my own. You’re not just sending me out to grab a
prisoner for interrogation!
And at this point the voice of medical orderly Marusia
Nazarova rang out: ‘Comrade battalion commander, will you give
me permission to go with Nikolaev? Will you, eh.. . ?’
‘That’s all I  need – going out on reconnaissance with a girl!’
I retorted indignantly.
They all laughed simultaneously at Marusia’s request. But she
stubbornly repeated:
‘I’ll go all the same! All right, Comrade Major?’

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