Red Army Sniper A Memoir on the Eastern Front in World War II

(Barré) #1

19. Such is our Work

The defenders of Leningrad achieved a truly legendary feat. They
showed unparalleled examples of staunchness and doggedness, a
high degree of awareness, self­sacrifice, patriotism and fearlessness
in battle in the name of the freedom and happiness of their people.
Without in any way understating the significance in positional
warfare of artillery, tanks, aircraft and the navy, which did a lot on
the Leningrad Front during the early years of the war, it needs to be
said that the main role in the defence was nevertheless performed
by the infantry – soldiers with rifles who faced the enemy head on
and stopped him under the walls of the city.
In the autumn of 1941, at the most testing time in the defence
of Leningrad, a snipers’ movement was born in the forces of the
Leningrad Front; its initiators were army Communist Party and
Young Communist League members. Adopted in good time
by the political workers and commanders of various units and
formations, this movement had by the beginning of 1942, acquired
a truly massive scale. Whether operating in defence or fighting
aggressive or defensive battles, Soviet snipers struck at the Nazi
invaders with equal success.
Every one of our shots was greed by a hurricane of fire. And at
the same time every shell, every cartridge, had to be accounted for:

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