Red Army Sniper A Memoir on the Eastern Front in World War II

(Barré) #1
Eastern Front Sniperbiography of one of World War IIs mostis a long overdue
accomplished snipers. Matth usHetzenauer, the son of a Tyrolean peasant
family, was born in December 1924 andbrought up on his family s mountain farm
in the Alps, learning to hunt and shoot.With this background it was natural that,
when he was called up, he was sent fortraining with the elite Mountain Infantry.
Hetzenauer must have shown outstandingaptitude during his first months in the
army because he was selected for snipertraining even before he had served at the
front. After his course at the famed SeetalerAlps depot in Styria, home of German
military sniping, he was deployed to the144th Mountain Rifle Regiment, serving on
the Eastern Front with 3rd MountainDivision in the Ukraine. Hetzenauer went
on to fight in Romania, Eastern Hungaryand Slovakia until the end of the war. As
recognition for his extraordinary total ofmore than 300 confirmed kills he was
awarded the Knight s Cross of the IronCross on 17 April 1945, one of only a
handful of snipers to receive this award.
After nearly five years of privations inSoviet captivity after the war Matth us
Hetzenauer returned to the family farm inAustria in 1950. He lived in the Tyrol s
Brixen Valley until his death in 2004.

HB?Royal 240x159mm 22.55mm spine? Turn Round 10mm? Flaps 90mm? 3mm Bleed all round


Roland Kalteneggerthan ten books on World War II includingis the author of more
German Mountain Troops in World War II: APhotographic Chronicle, Mountain Troops of
the Waffen?SS, 1941—1945and Equipment of the German Mountainand Weapons
Troops In World War IIbiographies of General Eduard Dietl and, as well as
Field Marshal Ferdinand Sch rner.
Martin Pegleron military firearms and specialises in theis Britain s foremost authority
subject of military sniping. His specialistprofessional hands?on knowledge of the
development of military firearms,ammunition and ballistics, gained during
twenty years as Senior Curator of Weaponsat the Royal Armouries Museum, is

Greenhill Booksc/o Pen & Sword Books Limited,47 Church St,
Barnsley, S. Yorkshire S70 2ASEmail: [email protected]
Web: http://www.greenhillbooks.comPrinted in Great Britain
Cover design: Jem Butcher Design

Gefreiter Hetzenauer has distinguished himself as a sniper byespecially outstanding dynamism and dare?devil aggression.
Hetzenauer fights with unparalleled bravery, tirelessly and withoutregard to the constant danger to his life, and is known throughout
the division for his fearless adventures as a lone soldier. Thus on 2February 1945, alone during an enemy attack operation, he scored
eighteen sniper hits. Hetzenauer put two strong enemy companiesout of action by himself and by his intervention accomplished a
From the recommendation for success beyond the limits of his own sphere of activity. Matth‚us Hetzenauer‚s Knight‚s Cross

£19.99ISBN: 978?1?78438?216?2

.IIHighest?scoring Axis sniper of World War
.tacticsDetails sniper techniques, training and
.First?hand accounts of sniper actions
.renowned sniper expertIntroduced by Martin Pegler, world?

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Snipers at Waranalysis of the equipment, tactics andis a detailed history and
personalities of the sniping world , fromthe pursuit of accuracy to the latest
electronic aids to observation and ranging.
Technology and marksmanship from theCrimean War to the present day are
examined in detail. Although highlyaccurate shooting was perfectly possible in
the Victorian era most armies did notprepare systematically for sniping to play a
major part in war. Sniper training wasneglected and sights and other
technologies saw only limited development.The role of the sniper was still largely
ignored when the Winter War of 1939—40between Finland and the USSR showed what
could be achieved by specialist marksmen:Finn Simo H yh amassed 505 kills in less
than a hundred days, a costly lesson for theRed Army, but one which it learned.
By the German invasion of 1941 theRussians were becoming better prepared:
when the war ended, in addition to mensuch as Vasiliy Zaytsev, a Stalingrad hero
with 242 accredited kills, the USSR hadtrained more than 2,000 women as snipers.
After 1945, the sniper s reputation declinedagain for a time. However, the Vietnam
War, seemingly unending Middle Easternconflict, and ever?present urban threats
have given new impetus not only to snipingbut also to the development of new and
more effective weaponry.

£25ISBN 978?1 78438?184?4

HB?Royal 240x159mm ???mm spine? Turn Round 10mm? Flaps 90mm? 3mm Bleed all round


John Walter, born in Glasgow in 1951, isamong the world s most prolific writers on
small arms — author of seventy books,translated into more than a dozen
languages. Among his published workshave been several studies of the Lugerpistol; several editions of Rifles of the
Worldand The Handgun Storand The Airgun Booy; Guns of the Elitek; The Rifle Story
and its current successor, ForceGreenhill Dictionary of Guns ands;The German Rifle; and Guns of the EliteThe
Martin Pegler is Britain s foremost authorityon military firearms and specialises in thesubject of military sniping. His unparalleled
hands?on knowledge of the development ofmilitary firearms, ammunition and ballisticswas gained during twenty years as Senior
Curator of Weapons at the Royal ArmouriesMuseum.

Eastern Front Sniper The Life of Matth  us
HetzenauerRoland Kaltenegger
ISBN: 978—1—78438—216—2
Red Army SniperA Memoir of the Eastern Frontin World War II
Yevgeni Nikolaev
Greenhill Books c/o Pen & Sword Books Limited47 Church Street
Barnsley, S. Yorkshire S70 [email protected]
http://www.greenhillbooks.comPrinted in England
Cover design: Jem Butcher DesignFront cover illustration, courtesy Accuracy InternationalBack cover illustrations, courtesy James D. Julia Inc.

    An insightful technical and tactical historyof the evolution of sniping 

.Definitive history written by a leading firearms expert
.Examines the vital importance of field?skills — hunting, tracking, patient observation — to the sniper s craft
.Includes newly commissioned research with a unique statistical?assessment system to analyse the accuracy of individual rifles
.Highlights the history and development of key sniper’ weapons,focusing
on their strengths and weaknesses
.Offers new genealogically?based information about some of the world s leading snipers, correcting long?standing errors

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