Red Army Sniper A Memoir on the Eastern Front in World War II

(Barré) #1
—— An Arduous Battle ——


slightly bent over and leaning on it with both hands. In accordance
with the established army custom, we lined up in single file. After
greeting the commander, each of us in turn introduced ourselves,
taking one step forward as we did so.
Indicating for us to sit down, General Nikolaev picked up a
pencil and, moving a large pad closer to him, said: ‘I’m going to ask
you all for your ideas on the situation in the Uritsk sector: what are
the German forces there, how are they acting, what’s new in their
defences and weapons? I’ll ask you in turn.’
And it instantly became clear what was required of us. We were
all from regiments stationed near Uritsk. Our regiment, being
right at the end of the line, occupied the ground between the Gulf
of Finland and the Pulkovo Heights to the left. Uritsk lay directly
in front of us...
As briefly, specifically and in as much detail as were able, each
of us reported what we knew and what we would like to see. And
we all wanted to see one thing without exception – the Nazis
driven out of Leningrad as quickly as possible. The state of our
present position stuck in everyone’s craw – inconvenient, exposed,
swampy, and easy for the Germans to observe and shell. Everyone
wanted some real action. That was why we reported everything
as it was. And, indeed, who other than us scouts, sappers and
snipers had a complete knowledge of the enemy defences, which
we observed every day and studied in detail? Who other than us
had got to know the entire front line, no man’s land and the enemy
rear by crawling all over it on our bellies?
After listening attentively to each of us and remaining silent
for a little while, the commander posed one question for all of us
at once.
‘The picture is clear, Now I want to ask you one thing: can Uritsk
be taken by storm? Without stalling the advance unexpectedly?
What’s your opinion?’
‘Absolutely,’ we replied, almost in chorus, ‘only, of course, with
the proper preparations and collaboration between the different
kinds of units!’

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