
(Nancy Kaufman) #1
March• 2018 | 33

doing some internet research, I found
a few people claiming that “there’s no
such thing as a mini pig” but I was
blinded by my sudden obsession
and my faith in my one-time friend.
She had said the pig was six months
old and spayed and that she’d had
her for a week, having got her from
would grow to be about 30 kilograms,
maximum. That was pretty close to
the size of Shelby, one of our dogs.
That seemed reasonable.

WHEN WE METthe next day, I watched
the woman handle the pig, and I could
tell there was zero attachment.
The pig was tiny, maybe 20 centi-
metres from tip to tail. The poor

thing had chipped pink nail polish
on her little hooves and a tattered se-
quinned cat collar around her neck.
She looked pathetic yet lovable. I’d
met the pig 12 minutes ago, and I al-
ready knew she needed me. Ready to
drive home with the newest member
of our family, I had only a few hours
to figure out what to tell Derek.
The pig sat in the front passen-
ger seat, skittish and disoriented. I
talked to her and petted her while
we took back roads to our house and
I planned my ‘please forgive me for
getting a pig’ dinner for Derek. (The
likely menu: bacon cheeseburgers
and homemade garlic fries.)
When we got home, the cats were
their typical curious but uninterested

Always eager to help, Esther checks on what Steve’s got cooking. (No, it isn’t bacon)


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