ECD Solutions — January-February 2018

(Darren Dugan) #1
INSIGHTS 2018 33

that resolve issues and protect communities more effectively.
For companies experiencing a problem, the same system will
allow staff to quickly identify the likely source of the issue and
enable on-site responses to be activated without delay. Time
lost in the early stages of a complaint event or incident can be
critical. The ability to alert potentially affected residents and the
regulator without delay can avoid more serious consequences later.
Because they can be more proactive, companies are less likely
to face fines or other penalties as a result of an incident. Not
only are there advantages for a technical solution — reducing
or even avoiding adverse impacts — but also in terms of the
perceptions formed by the community and regulators. A com-
pany’s ability to meet corporate and social responsibilities will
have been significantly enhanced. It will be able to clearly show
to agencies that appropriate steps were taken as soon as an
incident occurred and those steps resulted in reduced impact.
By taking advantage of real-time data sources, and making
use of forecasting and analytical tools, combined with smart
IT platforms, both regulators and industries can be in a much
better position should an environmental incident occur.
Communities in affected areas can be better informed and
comforted by the knowledge that authorities have a clearer
picture of what is happening and are taking targeted action to
minimise any consequences. Taking an algorithmic approach to
environmental management benefits all parties involved.

EnviroSuite Pty Ltd

The essential first step to getting a quick response is to
receive information about incidents and complaints as they hap-
pen. Enabling citizens and field workers to easily lodge their
complaints and observations through a smart mobile app is the
best way to get the process of investigation started. Linking the
latest data communications technology to the relevant scientific
algorithms in a smart system leads to better, faster decisions

Environmental management

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