ECD Solutions — January-February 2018

(Darren Dugan) #1

42 INSIGHTS 2018

VeEX’s spectrum analyser and Calan-compatible CM3000 Series Sweep
Systems and DOCSIS 3.0 cable modem network analysers are the latest ad-
ditions to service and plant verification testing and troubleshooting solutions.
With an intuitive user interface, VGA colour touch screen and Windows
CE operating system combined with a comprehensive measurement suite
and an extensive PC toolkit, the CM3000 series simplifies and speeds plant
maintenance and increases quality of service.
Its fast spectrum mode allows the user to view short duration ingress,
impulse noise, electrical interference, CPD and other impairments on a single
screen-even under upstream QAM signals.
The one-button proof-of-performance CCN, CSO, CTB and HUM measure-
ments option simplifies the testing and troubleshooting process. The WinCE
Operating System helps protect the user’s investment, provides future flexibility
and allows the addition of many PC-like functions, providing a one-instrument
Platform highlights include: simplifies proof-of-performance testing; easy-
to-use WinCE system minimises training and maximises testing accuracy
and consistency; provides cable TV technicians with a next-generation plant
maintenance tool with sweep and spectrum analysis; compatible with existing
CaLan sweep installations — works side by side with legacy deployments;
advanced gated measurements allow characterisation and troubleshooting
closer to the source; interfaces to the web-based realGATE test management
system, providing a full array of management tools for tracking assets, ana-
lysing test data and implementing workforce management; open architecture
design provides support for a variety of devices and future applications; and
use Wi-Fi option, Ethernet or cable modem to access back office systems
and manage test results.
Key features include ad-
ditional applications for live
search, Telnet, SNMP, FTP, re-
mote desktop plus options
for Wi-Fi, Signature Capture
and more; high-resolution true
non-interfering 5 to 1000 MHz
downstream sweep system with
manual and automatic gain and
slope offsets; fast spectrum with
0.3 μs sample rate; equaliser
stress, frequency response and
group delay measurements in
digital and cable mode; i-QAM option identifies impairments in a QAM signal;
gated CCN, CSO, CTB and HUM tests on active channels; DOCSIS 3.0 cable
modem with up to 8 DS and 4 US bonded channels; futureproof flexible and
upgradeable DSP software-defined receiver technology; fast 5 to 200 MHz
upstream sweep, plus ingress detection and display; Wi-Fi 802.11g wireless
USB adapter option; fast 1 GHz spectrum analyser with 1000 MHz span and
1 MHz to 30 kHz RBW; 6.4′′ full VGA, colour touch screen (daylight visible);
BPI+ and PacketCable digital certificates installed; weather and shock resistant;
Net-Tools including ping, trace, throughput and IP details via Wi-Fi, Ethernet
and cable modem; and user-programmable automated 24-hour testing.
TelecomTest Solutions

When a tanker ship is having maintenance, the
leak check of the tanks is an important part
of the final safety procedure. The tanks are
purged with an inert gas, such as nitrogen, and
an oxygen analyser is used to check for trace
oxygen levels in the purged tank. Depending on
the type of vessel, the maintenance crews will
need to be able to detect oxygen levels from
1000 down to 50 ppm.
Portable oxygen analysers, such as the GPR-
1100 from Analytical Industries, and so are easily
carried to the point of use. They also need little
power to operate — the GPR-1100 operates
continuously for 30 days, over 8 h with the pump
running, on a single battery charge — and will
measure down to less than 10 ppm O 2. Simple
and intuitive operation is paired with a robust
casing that prevents accidental damage in a
heavy industrial environment.
To maximise the lifetime of the sensor, the
analyser is available with quick-connect fittings
to protect the sensor from ambient air when not
in use. Users can expect sensors to last up to
24 months, with replacement sensors readily
available and simple to fit.
A range of sample conditioning options are
available for filtration, pressure reduction and flow
control. As not all tanks have pressures positive
enough to generate a flow to the analyser, the
analyser can be supplied with an internal pump.
The instrument is available with full ATEX
certification for use in hazardous areas.

AMS Instrumentation & Calibration Pty Ltd


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