ECD Solutions — January-February 2018

(Darren Dugan) #1

Your entire workshop –

now you can take it with you!

Wiha tool set electrician‘s competence
Increases your efficiency
A comprehensive tool assortment, always
having the right tool at hand when needed.
Meets your requirements
Case: robust, large, stable and secure
with lid brake.
Lowers your costs
The right tool protects you from damaging
materials and avoids subsequent work.
Protects your health
Ergonomic handle design makes work
easier and prevents occupational illnesses.
Increases safety
Internationally award-winning VDE-
insulated tools, each individually tested
at 10,000 V AC and approved for use at
1,000 V AC.

Tested and recommended by the forum: Gesunder Rücken - besser leben e.V. and the Federal Association of German Back Schools (BdR). More information from: AGR e.V., Aktion Gesunder Rücken e. V., Stader Str. 6, D-27432 Bremervörde, Tel. +49 4761 926 3580,

NEW! The true

electrician's case!

Free download pdf